Out of office auto reply duration

Set OutOfOffice auto-reply duration

   KB 23360        Last updated on 2018-08-31  

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Set frequency of out of office auto-reply sent


By default, the out of office auto-reply message is sent to each recipient once in every 7 days. These email addresses are stored in a cache for a period of 7 days and no further auto-reply is sent to these addresses until 7 days.
This duration is configured in zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration attribute at COS and account level.

Below are few examples to change the duration of auto-reply :

Set on COS Level:
zmprov mc COSname zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration 0
zmprov mc COSname2 zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration 1d
Set on Account Level:
zmprov ma user@domain.com zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration 0
zmprov ma user2@domain.com zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration 1d

zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration 0 :  This will send an auto reply to every sender repeatedly and not cache any email address.
zimbraPrefOutOfOfficeCacheDuration 1d : This will send an auto reply to the sender after a day only and avoid multiple auto replies for a day, you can adjust the value to xd (x days) according to your need.
Submitted by: Aarti Shah
Verified Against: ZCS 8.8, 8.7, 8.6, 8.5 Date Created: 2017-08-23
Article ID: https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Out_of_office_auto_reply_duration Date Modified: 2018-08-31

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