Creating a Task from an Email

Creating a Task from an Email

   KB 21785        Last updated on 2015-07-11  

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To teach Zimbra end-users how to create a task from an email.


You can create a task from an email. There are 2 ways to do it, and each is simple.

When you create a task from an email, several things happen automatically:

  • The subject of the email populates the subject of the task.
  • The content of the email populates the notes of the task.
  • Any attachments to the email are added to the task.

The first option is to right-click the email and select “Create Task.”


The second option is to select the email, then select “Actions > Create Task.”


A Task tab opens with the following information from the email:

  • The Subject from the email is the subject of the task.
  • The content of the email populates the notes area of the task.
  • Any attachments from the email are added to the task.


Additional Content

  • For detailed explanations of and corrections for the mistakes listed above, please refer to the Tips & Tricks blog.

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration 8.6, 8.5, 8.0 Date Created: 03/05/2015
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-07-11

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Wiki/KB reviewed by Gayle B Jorge Gayle B Last edit by Jorge de la Cruz
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