Zimbra services stop due to stale PID
Zimbra services stop due to stale PID.
Sometimes Zimbra services are stop due to stale PIDs. You can see those Stale PIDs in /var/log/zimbra.log file like this:
11:38:03 zlog zmmailboxdmgr[28932]: assuming no other instance is running 11:38:03 zlog zmmailboxdmgr[28932]: no manager process is running 11:38:03 zlog zmmailboxdmgr[28949]: stale pid 27322 found in /opt/zimbra/log/zmmailboxd_manager.pid: No such process
This can be fix after restart the Zimbra serveices:
zmcontrol restart
If you are still facing the same issue then you need to remove it manually. Please follow the below steps to remove it manually
1) Stop the Zimbra services.
su - zimbra zmcontrol stop
2) Check if any process is still running for the 'zimbra' user then kill it.
[Run as ROOT user] ps -elf | grep -i zimbra kill -9 <pid>
3) Check the remove stale PID files.
[Run as ROOT user] ls -ltr /opt/zimbra/log/*.pid rm /opt/zimbra/log/*.pid # Press Y to confirm the file deletion.
4) Now start Zimbra services.
su - zimbra zmcontrol start