Zimbra Suite Plus/Zimbra Backup Plus/RealTimeScan
Zimbra Backup Plus - Real Time Scan
Zimbra Backup Plus - Real Time Scan
What is the Real Time Scanner?
The Real Time Scanner is the big innovation in Zimbra Backup Plus. Each event on the system is recorded live to Zimbra Open Source Edition's RedoLog and saved by Zimbra Backup Plus, which means that is always possible to rollback an account to a previous state. Thanks to the Real Time Scanner all the restore modes work with a split-second precision.
How does it work?
The Real Time Scanner reads all the events of the mail server almost real-time by following the flow of informations provided by the RedoLog. Then it 'replicates' the same operations on it's own data structure, creating items or updating their metadata. No information is ever overwritten in the backup, so that every item has its own complete history.
Managing the Real Time Scanner
Enabling the Real Time Scanner
Via the Zimbra Suite Plus Administration Zimlet
- Select the Zimbra Backup Plus Tab.
- Under Real Time Scanner, press the "Enable" button.
Note: when the Real Time Scanner is enabled for the first time or re-enabled after a stop, a Live Full Scan is required. A warning will be displayed after enabling the Real Time Scanner and you will be prompted to start the Full Scan.
Via the Zimbra Suite Plus CLI
To enable the Real Time Scanner via the Zimbra Suite Plus CLI, the "ZxBackup_RealTimeScanner" property of the Zimbra Backup Plus module must be set to "true":
zxsuite backup setProperty ZxBackup_RealTimeScanner TRUE
Disabling the Real Time Scanner
Via the Zimbra Suite Plus Administration Zimlet
- Select the Zimbra Backup Plus Tab.
- Under Real Time Scanner, press the "Disable" button.
Via the Zimbra Suite Plus CLI
To disable the Real Time Scanner via the Zimbra Suite Plus CLI, the "ZxBackup_RealTimeScanner" property of the Zimbra Backup Plus module must be set to "false":
zxsuite backup setProperty ZxBackup_RealTimeScanner FALSE
Why should I disable the Real Time Scanner?
The only time you should stop the Real Time Scanner is while performin an External Import of multiple domains. This is a safety measure to avoid high load on your server. After the import just re-enable the Real Time Scanner and perform a Full Scan when prompted, and you are good to go!
Limitations and safety scan
At the moment there are two main limitations when restoring data acquired via the Real Time Scanner.
Namely, those are
- Emptied Folder - when a user uses the "Empty Folder" button in the right-click context menu
In this case, and any time Zimbra Backup Plus cannot determine the status of an item by reading the metadata saved by the Real Time Scan, a Live Full Scan on the given account is triggered BEFORE the restore.
This fixes any misaligned data and sanitizes the backupped metadata for the mailbox.
Zimbra Suite Plus
Latest Version: 3.1.4
- Released on: July 14, 2020
- Compatibility List
- Changelog
- License Management
Zimbra Suite Plus Resources
Here you can find useful resources for your Zimbra Suite Plus environment
- What is Zimbra Suite?
- FAQs
- Downloads
- Zimbra Suite Installation Guide
- Zimbra Client Zimlet
- Information and advice for NE Customers
- How to migrate Zimbra with Zimbra Migration Tool
- How to perform an incremental Migration with Zimbra Backup Plus
- Known Issues
- How to report a Zimbra Suite Plus Issue