Zimbra Releases/8.7.5
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.5 GA Release
Check out the "Fixed Issues" and "Known Issues" for this version of Zimbra Collaboration below. As always, you’re encouraged to tell us what you think in the Forum, or open a support ticket.
If interested, please see a complete list of changes in this release in the next Table, for a detailed Bugzilla list, please use this report
To upgrade to version 8.7.5 from ZCS 7.2.x or later, please check our upgrade documentation.
For supported operating systems and browsers please check our supported systems documentation.
81415 | New S/MIME Zimlet in Technical Preview, which works without Java browser applet in modern web browsers |
Admin Guide | We are moving our Documentation to GitHub in AsciiDoc format, you can grab, edit, and help us with the Documentation on our GitHub. To see the most recent changes introduced in 8.7.5 please click here |
106548 | Print issue:text gets cut on right when printing mails using IE |
106707 | Some HTML messages not rendering in Outlook 2011/2016 on Macs |
103947 | Meeting content not visible in invite to EAS attendee for meeting created by EAS organiser |
107593 | email prints wrong with small font |
107583 | 8.7.2 calendar month view broken for multiple day spanning events |
107717 | In FOSS, remove external Zimbra Internal dependencies (e.g. archiva server) and network specific resources |
107718 | Create dependency graph for open source repositories. |
107715 | Package download failed - System corrupted |
106285 | Horizontal scroll bar works incorrectly in Calendar |
107584 | Admin Console - ZCO and Migration Tools, new links - No data under "Download" directory after fresh installation or upgrade |
107719 | [SMIME] Unable to send signed/encrypted email when using ECDSA certificate |
107720 | Proper error message should be shown in case of failure in sending encrypted mail using DSA certificate |
107262 | Handling of encrypted message when the recipient is a/contains DL |
107721 | SMIME: Error message should be displayed if ZWC is unable to parse the contact certificate base64 format |
107722 | Eml file attachment is not decrypted by webclient |
107723 | [SMIME] Signed message from Mobile (ActiveSync) is shown as Tampered in webclient |
107724 | SMIME: encrypted mail when attached to a mail, decrypted content is attached in mail |
107725 | Uploading revoked certificate should give certificate revoked error message |
107726 | SMIME | ZCO client | showing invalid signature for "Sign and Encrypted" emails |
107727 | SMIME | ZCO client | Signing info removed completely if attachment is removed rather than showing alteration/invalid signature |
107728 | SMIME | ZCO client | incorrect sining info shown for emails sent from alias |
107734 | Preferences -> Zimlets -> There is no way to differentiate between old and new (8.7.5) S/MIME zimlets |
107735 | Web Client allows sending secure mail to user having certificate built on md2/md4 hashing algorithm without any warning |
107736 | No warning message presented about integrity loss or message tampering while removing attachements from Signed email in ZWC |
107737 | SMIME | ZWC | able to send "sign and encrypted" message to user having sign only certificate |
107738 | SMIME | ZWC | able to send "Sign" & "Sign and Encrypted" mails from Encryption only certificate user |
107739 | Unable to send 'sign and encrypt' SMIME mail to shared contact folder's user contact |
107740 | Wrong error message display while sending mail having large file attachment using smime 'sign and encrypt' functionality |
107741 | SMIME | ZWC | able to send Signed mail from alias even though alias emailId is not present in certificate |
107743 | ZCO fails to parse GetContactResponse with SMIME feature causing GALSync to fail |
Install/Upgrade instructions
There is no install/upgrade instrustions required for S/MIME feature. But below are the few changes which can be observed while installtion/Upgrade.
- 1.- We have introdued 2 new zimlets com_zimbra_securemail and com_zimbra_smime_cert_admin. We can see this when zimlets for network edition is getting installed.
Installing network zimlets... com_zimbra_convertd...done. com_zimbra_ucconfig...done. com_zimbra_smime...done. com_zimbra_voiceprefs...done. com_zimbra_license...done. com_zimbra_delegatedadmin...done. com_zimbra_backuprestore...done. com_zimbra_securemail...done. com_zimbra_click2call_cisco...done. com_zimbra_mobilesync...done. com_zimbra_smime_cert_admin...done. com_zimbra_hsm...done. com_zimbra_two_factor_auth...done. com_zimbra_click2call_mitel...done. Finished installing network zimlets.
- 2.- After installation/upgrade old zimlet S/MIME will be disabled and new zimlet enabled by default.
Grab your Zimbra Collaboration package from our Downloads section - https://www.zimbra.com/downloads/
Quick note: Open Source repo
Downloading and building our Zimbra Code? Keep reading... Starting ZCS 8.7.2 and above we have a new steps to download and see our code:
Note: Code is just published as it is. Objective is people should able to see the code changes. There are some tweaks required to get it build. We are working on restructuring.
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