Zimbra Releases/8.7.4

Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.4 GA Release

Check out the "Fixed Issues" and "Known Issues" for this version of Zimbra Collaboration below. As always, you’re encouraged to tell us what you think in the Forum, or open a support ticket.

If interested, please see a complete list of changes in this release in the next Table, for a detailed Bugzilla list, please use this report

To upgrade to version 8.7.4 from ZCS 7.2.x or later, please check our upgrade documentation.

For supported operating systems and browsers please check our supported systems documentation.

Fixed Issues

106811 XXE [CWE-611]
107681 Script Error: Cannot read property '_startDateField' of undefined while selecting date from date picker on quick add dialog
104278 While printing mails from ZWC in IE and Firefox, word wrapping is splitting words between two lines.
107682 Update missing changes in WebUx repositories from 870 perforce branch.
107635 oo_linux_install_path is not set in fresh installation

Known Issues

107583 8.7.2 calendar month view broken for multiple day spanning events
107584 No data under "Download" directory after fresh installation or upgrade


Grab your Zimbra Collaboration package from our Downloads section - https://www.zimbra.com/downloads/

Quick note: Open Source repo

Downloading and building our Zimbra Code? Keep reading... Starting ZCS 8.7.2 and above we have a new steps to download and see our code:

Note: Code is just published as it is. Objective is people should able to see the code changes. There are some tweaks required to get it build. We are working on restructuring.

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