Zimbra NG Modules/Zimbra NG Admin/Reports and Informations

Zimbra NG Admin - Reports and Informations

Zimbra NG Admin - Reports and Informations

Zimbra NG Admin Monthly Reports

The Zimbra NG Admin module includes a very useful "Monthly Reports" feature that allow Global Administrators to keep track of both Delegated Admin operations and domain status for a given month.

How does the Monthly Report system work?

At the first day of each month, the Zimbra NG Admin module automatically creates a report based on the data gathered in the Zimbra NG Admin Log.

This monthly report includes:

First logged action Timestamp of the first action performed by an Admin this month
Last logged action Timestamp of the last action performed by an Admin this month
Last admin login by Latest administrative login timestamp
Most active admin Name of the Admin with the highest number of actions logged
Most used address Most common IP Address for admin logins
Total accounts Total number of mailboxes
Total created accounts Number of mailboxes created during the month
Total deleted accounts Number of mailboxes deleted during the month
Total created domains Number of domains created during the month
Total created distribution lists Number of distribution lists created during the month
Total deleted distribution lists Number of distribution lists deleted during the month

Domain The name of the domain this data refers to
Last admin login Latest administrative login timestamp
Account/max accounts Current and maximum number of accounts
Current Domain Size Sum of the quotas used by all mailboxes in the domain
Maximum Domain Size Sum of the maximum quota of all mailboxes (excluding "Unlimited" mailboxes)
Accounts with no quota limit Nuber of mailboxes which don't have a quota limit
Total size of accounts with no quota limit Sum of the quotas used by all mailboxes with no quota limit
System Resources in the domain Number of system resource accounts in the domain
Calendar Resources in the domain Number of calendar resource accounts in the domain
Successful domain actions Number of successful actions done by admins on this domain
Unsuccessful domain actions Number of unsuccessful actions done by admins on this domain

Admin The name of the admin this data refers to
Successful logins Number of successful logins into the Admin Console
Unsuccessful logins Number of unsuccessful logins into the Admin Console
View mails Number of times this admin used the "View Mail" feature during the month
Last login Timestamp of the last login of this admin into the Administration Console
Most used address The email address most used by this admin to login
Total actions The number of actions performed by this admin during the month
Accounts created Number of accounts created by this admin during the month
Accounts deleted Number of accounts deleted by this admin during the month

How to access the monthly reports

From the Zimbra NG Modules Zimlet

To access the "Monthly Reports" interface:

  • Log into the Zimbra Administration Console as a Global Admin
  • Enter the Zimbra NG Admin tab of the Zimbra NG Modules Zimlet
  • Click on the "Monthly Reports" button on the top-right part of the page
  • Select the month you wish to view the report for and click "Show Report"

From the Zimbra NG Modules CLI

In order to view the Monthly Reports from the Zimbra NG Modules CLI, the "getMonthlyReport" command is available:

zxsuite admin getMonthlyReport [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]


month(O)    String     mm/yyyy            12/2012
local(O)    Boolean    true|false         false

(M) == mandatory parameter, (O) == optional parameter

Usage example:

zxsuite admin getMonthlyReport
Shows the monthly report for the previous month

zxsuite admin getMonthlyReport month 11/2012
Shows the monthly report for the month '11/2012'

Partial Reports

In order to create a partial report for the current month, the "doMonthlyReport" command is available:

zxsuite admin doMonthlyReport [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]


month(O)    String     mm/yyyy            12/2012
force(O)    Boolean    true|false         false

(M) == mandatory parameter, (O) == optional parameter

Usage example:

zxsuite admin doMonthlyReport
Generates the monthly report for the previous month and saves it in the current Zimbra NG Admin log path

zxsuite admin doMonthlyReport month 01/2013
Generates a PARTIAL monthly report for the current month, without saving it to disk.

** NOTE**

This command is automatically executed once a month to generate a file containing the report for the
previous month. To overwrite an existing report file, set the 'force' parameter to true.

The Zimbra NG Admin Log Path

The Zimbra NG Admin Module stores all the Monthly Reports together with the logs used to both generate the Monthly reports and to provide informations via the "Admin Log Browser" feature in a path inside the /opt/zimbra/conf/ directory (default /opt/zimbra/conf/zextras/zxadmin/). This particular default path has been chosen as it is the only directory which has a 100% chance NOT to be deleted during a Zimbra update.

The Zimbra NG Admin Log Path structure and contents

The Zimbra NG Admin Log Path is a flat directory containing the following files:

  • One or more "YYYY_MM" files containing the logs for the file's namesake month
  • Zero or more "YYYY_MM.report" files containing the Monthly Report for the file's namesake month.
  • Zero or more "YYYY_MM.X" files containing partial logs for the file's namesake month. These files are created when changing the Zimbra NG Admin Log Path

Changing The Zimbra NG Admin Log Path


Carefully read this paragraph before changing the Zimbra NG Admin Log Path, any error on the procedure will cause a potential log loss that will render the "Monthly Report" and "Show Admin Logs" features highly unreliable

In order to safely change the Zimbra NG Admin Log Path follow these steps:

  • Create the folder that will contain the logs:
    • The folder's ownership must be "zimbra:zimbra".
    • The 'zimbra' user must have read and write permissions to the folder.
    • The folder must be empty.
  • Log into the Zimbra Administration Console as a Global Admin
  • Enter the Zimbra NG Admin tab of the Zimbra NG Modules Administration Zimlet
  • In the "Basic Module Configuration" section, click the "Change" button near the Admin Log Path line.
  • Enter the new path and click on "Change Path"
  • If no errors are shown, move all the contents of the old Log Path
    • It's perfectly normal to only see ".report" and ".X" files in the old Log Path, as the current log file will be given the ".1" extension to mark it as a partial. Any previous ".X" files will have their extension number increased by 1.

Zimbra NG Modules


Latest Version: 8.8

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