Zimbra Desktop 2 Storage Migration
Zimbra Desktop 2 Storage Migration
Zimbra Desktop 2 Storage Migration
Rationale and Plan
These are unofficial notes on how the store for items in Zimbra Desktop 2 differs from that in Zimbra Desktop 1, designed to aid in migration.
The rationale behind this is:
- Zimbra Desktop 2 requires a totally fresh setup; no migration path from ZD1 is provided
- I am living in a country with slow and expensive bandwidth
- Our mail server is in a country with fast and cheap bandwidth
So my plan is:
- Install Zimbra Desktop 2 somewhere with fast and cheap bandwidth to our mail server
- Set up the same accounts as on Zimbra Desktop 1
- Use rsync to efficiently transfer the Zimbra Desktop 2 setup without having to retransmit all messages
- Regenerate indexes instead of transferring them
Differences in Storage scheme
- Zimbra Desktop 2 uses sqlite instead of derby for the local database
- Zimbra Desktop 2 uses gzip for all mail items over (approximately) 140kb; Zimbra Desktop 1 doesn't
Complications that mean the installations don't exactly match:
- The file store uses different names for the same mail items
- The indexes produced (for text searching) will be different (and can be fairly large)
- The gzip compression doesn't seem to exactly match that produced by the command-line gzip tool at any setting, so we need to use the Java gzip classes to do compression
- Zimbra Desktop 1 seems to have stored some strange items on my machine
Requirements: Python, Java, Bash
These scripts should be saved to a common directory. Runmaketo compile the Java code. Run
./upgradezd remote_hostto do the upgrade (where $remote_host is the ssh connectin string for the remote host and user)... This will require manually adjustment of the scripts...
Java gzip implementation
Save this as gzip.java:
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class gzip { public static void main(String args[]) { if(args.length<=0) { System.out.println("Please enter the valid file name"); } else { try { String inFilename = args[0]; String outFilename = args[1]; GZIPOutputStream out = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFilename)); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(inFilename); // Transfer bytes from the input file to the gzip output stream byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.finish(); out.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception has been thrown" + e); } } } }
Java gunzip implementation
Save this as gunzip.java:
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class gunzip { public static void main(String args[]) { if(args.length<=0) { System.out.println("Please enter the valid file name"); } else { try { String inFilename = args[0]; String outFilename = args[1]; GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFilename)); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFilename); // Transfer bytes from the compressed file to the output file byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = gzipInputStream.read(buf)) > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } gzipInputStream.close(); out.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception has been thrown" + e); } } } }
Save this as Makefile:
%.class: %.java javac $< %.manifest: %.java echo "Main-Class: $(shell basename $<)" > $@ %.jar: %.manifest %.class jar -cfm $@ $+ all: gunzip.jar gzip.jar
Python renaming code
Save this as zd2rename.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, re, logging ZD2_STORE = sys.argv[1] logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) FNAME_RE = re.compile("([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)[.]msg") local_maps = {} for line in sys.stdin: line = line.strip() if not line: continue dirname, fname = os.path.dirname(line), os.path.basename(line) fmatch = FNAME_RE.match(fname) if not fmatch: logging.warning("Unexpected filename: %s", filename) continue prefix, suffix = fmatch.group(1), fmatch.group(2) # print "mv %s/%s-*.msg %s/%s" % (dirname, prefix, dirname, fname) zd2_dirname = os.path.join(ZD2_STORE, dirname) if dirname not in local_maps: if not os.path.isdir(zd2_dirname): logging.warning("Directory %s not found locally", dirname) local_maps[dirname] = None continue local_map = {} for local_fname in os.listdir(zd2_dirname): local_fmatch = FNAME_RE.match(local_fname) if local_fmatch: local_map.setdefault(local_fmatch.group(1), []).append(local_fname) local_maps[dirname] = local_map else: local_map = local_maps[dirname] if local_map is None: continue local_matches = local_map.get(prefix, []) if len(local_matches) == 1: local_src, local_target = os.path.join(zd2_dirname, local_matches[0]), os.path.join(zd2_dirname, fname) if local_src != local_target: logging.info("Renaming %s/%s to %s/%s", dirname, local_matches[0], dirname, fname) os.rename(local_src, local_target) elif len(local_matches) > 1: # cat all the matches onto the file logging.warning("Unexpected multiple match for %s/%s: %s", dirname, " ".join(local_matches)) open(os.path.join(zd2_dirname, fname), "wb").writelines(open(os.path.join(zd2_dirname, local_fname), "rb").read() for local_fname in local_matches) else: logging.info("File not found locally: %s/%s", dirname, fname)
Upgrade controller script
Save this as upgradezd, then run:chmod a+x upgradezdManually edit as required (see especially the TODO about store numbers). Stop Zimbra desktop on both sides before running the upgrade.
Run with:
./upgradezd $remote_host
where $remote_host is the ssh connection string for the remote machine and user.
#!/bin/bash zd1_dir=$HOME/zimbra/zdesktop zd2_dir=$HOME/zdesktop src_dir="`dirname "$0"`" src_dir="`cd "$src_dir" ; pwd`" zd1_store=$zd1_dir/store zd2_store=$zd2_dir/store mkdir -p $zd2_dir # initial transfer of store rsync -a $zd1_store/ $zd2_store/ # gzip of all large blobs ( cd $zd2_store gzh=$'\x1f\x8b' find . -type f -name "*.msg" -size "+140k" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -I % bash -c "gzh='$gzh' ; src_dir='$src_dir' ; "'{ h="`head -c 2 %`" ; [[ "$h" != "$gzh" ]] && echo % && java -jar $src_dir/gzip.jar % %.gz && mv %.gz % && ls -l % ; }' ) # adjust store ids to match ( cd $zd2_store # TODO: manually adjust these instructions so that your store names match mv 0/4 0/3 ) # now rename to match names on the other side... remote_host="$1" [[ "$remote_host" == "" ]] && { echo syntax "$0" remote_host >&2 ; exit 1 ; } remote_dir=zdesktop remote_store=$remote_dir/store ssh $remote_host "cd $remote_store ; find . -type f -name '*.msg'" | tee $src_dir/remote-listing | python zd2rename.py "$zd2_store" rsync -avzP $remote_host:$remote_store/ $zd2_store/ # after having completed install rsync -avzP --exclude index $remote_host:$remote_store/ $zd2_dir/ rm -fr $zd2_dir/index/* # now start zimbra desktop 2 and regenerate indexes