Zimbra Collaboration and Zimbra Social integration
Zimbra Collaboration and Zimbra Social Integration
Zimbra Collaboration and Zimbra Social integration
Zimbra Collaboration can be integrated with Zimbra Social using a Tab in the Web client and using SSO (single sign-on) and have all the benefits of both products in just one Web Browser tab.
Getting Started
The integration between Zimbra Collaboration and Zimbra Social is available since Zimbra Collaboration 8.5 and Zimbra Social 8.x. And require additional coniguration in both products.
System requirements
The basic system requirements are:
- A commercial license of Zimbra Social 8.x or above
- An Open-source installation of Zimbra collaboration 8.5 or above
- The Zimbra Collaboration plugin for Zimbra Social, already included in Zimbra Social 8.x
- Administrator rights in both platforms to configure the different steps
How the integration Works
Zimbra Social steps
- 1.- Login into your Zimbra Social Control Panel as an Administrator user - http://FQDN/controlpanel and then click under System Administration > Site Administration
- 2.- Go under Manage Plugins to activate the Zimbra Collaboration Plugin
- 3.- Then search by Collaboration and enable the plugin
- 4.- Click now under the tab called Manage OAuth Clients and do click in the Add Client button
- 5.- Pending image and configuration in this Step
Zimbra Collaboration steps
In Zimbra Collaboration you have the next attributes that are included per default in each version since 8.5 or above:
- zimbraCommunityUsernameMapping - specifies the name of Zimbra Account LDAP attribute that maps to Zimbra Community user names. Normally, this should be "uid", however, it is possible to configure both products in the way that user1@example.com maps to "someotherusername" in Zimbra Community or that Zimbra Community uses full email addresses for login instead of the uid.
- zimbraCommunityHomeURL - this is the URL that loads in Community Tab. It can be configured differently on global->domain->cos->account level so that different accounts load different pages in Community Tab. Right now, however only /integration/zimbracollaboration is suitable for being loaded in the tab.
- zimbraCommunityBaseURL - points to Zimbra Community installation. It is possible to configure different domains, COSes or even accounts to point to different Zimbra Community servers.
Note that zimbraCommunityAPIClientID and zimbraCommunityAPIClientSecret have to be provisioned on Zimbra Community server that matches zimbraCommunityBaseURL
- zimbraFeatureSocialExternalEnabled - used to turn Community tab in Zimbra Mail UI on/off on COS/account level
- zimbraFeatureSocialName - used to set the name of the Community tab for the Zimbra collaboration Web client.
There is also an additional attribute zimbraCommunityID that can be used when user IDs in Community do not correspond to any attribute of users in Collaboration. In this case, the admin will have to set zimbraCommunityID of each user to their Community ID and set zimbraCommunityUsernameMapping to " zimbraCommunityID". Normally though, both Community and Collaboration should be using the same Directory.
Example of the integration
After follow each step on this Wiki, the users can login into the Zimbra Web client, and will see the new tab called Community, or the name that we define in the zimbraFeatureSocialName attribute. The users will be able to see:
- A real-time Chat integration, using the Zimbra Social resources.
- A notifications panel.
- A real-time streamline based in the groups that the user are enrolled, friends, following people, etc.