ZNG HSM Volume on S3

HSM NG and S3 buckets[ZNG]

   KB 23528        Last updated on 2017-09-27  

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Secondary volumes created with HSM NG can now be hosted on S3 buckets, effectively moving the largest part of your data to secure and durable cloud storage.

S3-compatible Services

While any storage service compatible with the Amazon S3 API should work out of the box with HSM NG, Amazon S3 and DellEMC ECS are the only officially supported platforms.

Local Cache

This feature requires a local directory to be used for item caching, which must be readable and writable by the zimbra user.

The local directory must be created manually and its path must be entered in the HSM NG section of the Administration Zimlet in the Zimbra Administration Console.

If the Local Cache directory is not set, you won’t be able to create any secondary volume on an S3-compatible device or service.

Failing to correctly configure the cache directory will cause items to be unretrievable, meaning that users will get a No such BLOB error when trying to access any item stored on an S3 volume.

Bucket Setup

HSM NG doesn’t need any dedicated setting or configuration on the S3 side, so setting up a bucket for your volumes is easy. Although creating a dedicated user, bucket and access policy are not required, they are strongly suggested because they make it much easier to manage.

All you need to start storing your secondary volumes on S3 is:

An S3 bucket. You need to know the bucket’s name and region in order to use it.

A user’s Access Key and Secret.

A policy that grants the user full rights on your bucket.

S3 Buckets

Instead of adding the bucket’s data each time you add a new secondary volume, you can save it on the Zimbra Administration Console at Configure > Global Settings > S3 Buckets.

Creating a Secondary Volume on S3

To create a secondary volume on S3:

  • Click the HSM NG entry of the Administration Zimlet in the Zimbra Administration Console.
  • Click Add under the Secondary Volumes list.
  • Select S3 bucket.
  • Enter the volume’s name and prefix, then either add a bucket’s information or load those from the ones saved in the Global Settings.
  • Define whether to use the Infrequent Access storage class, and if so, set its size threshold.
  • Define whether the new volume is set as Current or not.
  • Click Finish to create the new volume.
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