Zimlet Developers Guide:Zimlet Tab
Zimlet Developers Guide: Zimlet Tab
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You can create zimlets as tab applications. After creating your application (using ZmZimletBase.createApp()
), your Zimlet Handler Object will receive application events such as ZmZimletBase.appActive()
and ZmZimletBase.appLaunch()
. Additionally, you can create and manage the content on the tab application page.
Creating Tab Application
A tab application is created by using the ZmZimletBase.createApp()
method. This method can be called when your zimlet is initialized. The method returns the newly created tab application name. You will likely use this name often so a good practice is to save the name to a zimlet property that can be accessed in the future (shown here as this._tabAppName
// create the tab application this._tabAppName = this.createApp("Tab Label", "zimbraIcon", "Tab Tool Tip");
Life Cycle
A zimlet that is running as a tab application will receive application life cycle events. The following illustrates the tab application events. A tab is "launched" the first-time a user clicks on the tab. When a tab is made "active", a user clicks on the tab and the tab content is displayed. When a tab is made "inactive", the user has switched to a different tab.
Tab Areas
A tab application has three primary content areas on the page:
- Main Content Area
- Toolbar Area
- Overview Area
How to retrieve the area objects and set the content (i.e. the HTML) for the areas is shown in the Tab Overview example.
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