Zimlet Developers Guide:Zimlet Definition File Reference
Article Information |
This article applies to the following ZCS versions. |
This document provides a reference for the elements in the Zimlet Definition File.
The <zimlet>
element is the enclosing element in the Definition File. The <zimlet>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
name | Required | A valid zimlet name | N/A | The name attribute is the zimlet's name and is a required attribute. This must be the same name as is used to prefix the Zimlet ZIP Package. The zimlet name is required to be unique within a deployment. |
version | Required | A valid zimlet version | N/A | This required attribute specifies the zimlet’s version number. For example, version=”1.0” |
description | Required | A valid zimlet description | N/A | This attribute provides a short description used in mouse-overs and dialogs |
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <zimlet>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | summary | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | The summary element contains text describing the zimlet in more detail. See <summary> for more information. |
2 | include | Optional (0 or * allowed) | JavaScript files to be included with the zimlet. See <include> for more information. |
2 | includeCSS | Optional (0 or * allowed) | CSS files to be included with the zimlet. See <includeCSS> for more information. |
2 | resource | Optional (0 or * allowed) | Resource files to be included with the zimlet. See <resource> for more information. |
3 | handlerObject | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Designates the JavaScript handler object for the zimlet. See <handlerObject> for more information. |
4 | serverExtension | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Designates the JavaScript server extension for the zimlet. See <serverExtension> for more information. |
5 | contentObject | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Designates how content objects are handled by the zimlet. See <contentObject> for more information. |
6 | zimletPanelItem | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Designates the zimlet panel items and actions. See <zimletPanelItem> for more information. |
7 | portlet | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Defines the portlet. See <portlet> for more information. |
8 | userProperties | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Defines user properties to store with the zimlet. See <userProperties> for more information. |
The summary element contains text describing the zimlet in more detail. For example, this element can also contain zimlet limitations or a list of current functionality:
<summary>This Zimlet will provide map information for street addresses Note: Currently maps are not scrollable or clickable.</summary>
A zimlet implementation may require JavaScript code to be loaded by the web client. For such cases, the <include>
element is provided. The content of this element provides a reference to the additional JavaScript files that are to be loaded. These files may be internal, that is specified by a relative URL (e.g. foo.js) or external, that is specified by an absolute URL (e.g. http://api.google.com/maps.js). If multiple <include> elements are provided, loading order is maintained, with the top include being loaded first).
<include>http://api.google.com/maps.js</include> <include>gmaps.js</include>
A zimlet implementation may require CSS styles to be loaded by the web client. For such cases, the <includeCSS>
element is provided. The content of this element provides a reference to the additional CSS file that is to be loaded. This file may be internal, that is specified by a relative URL (e.g. foo.css) or external, that is specified by an absolute URL (e.g. http://my.server.com/styles.css). Any CSS file included with a <includeCSS> element is automatically loaded.
Note: It is recommended that any CSS class in these files be prefixed with (or include) the zimlet name to avoid collisions with other CSS classes or zimlets.
<includeCSS>http://my.server.com/styles.css</includeCSS> <includeCSS>styles.css</includeCSS>
A zimlet implementation may require additional resources (such as images, binaries, etc). For such cases, the <resource>
element is provided. The content of this element provides a reference to the additional resource that is to be loaded. This file may be internal that is specified by a relative URL (e.g. image.gif) or external, that is specified by an absolute URL (e.g. http://api.google.com/maps.jgif). Resources are not automatically loaded. They can be accessed with the fully qualified URL via the Zimlet Handler Object getResource()
<resource>http://api.google.com/maps.jgif</resource> <resource>image.gif</resource>
The <handlerObject>
element designates the JavaScript object constructor to call in the zimlet JavaScript file at zimlet initialization time. The handlerObject
element may be omitted if the zimlet does not implement custom JavaScript code.
The <serverExtension>
element describes how a content object is indexed on the server. Content, such as email message bodies, calendar appointment notes, and contact fields, that contains one or more zimlet content objects may be searched for using the query language "has" clause. For example, if a zimlet defines phone numbers as a content object, then to search for content containing phone numbers, a <serverExtension>
element would be specified that defines phone numbers, and would enable searching for content containing phone numbers via the "has:phone" clause.
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
hasKeyword | Required | A valid keyword | N/A | This attribute specifies the keyword that will be used with the query language "has" clause (e.g. "has:address" or "has:id"). |
regex | Optional | A valid regular expression | N/A | This attribute specifies a regular expression that defines the zimlet content object. The format of this regular expression must follow the Java Development Kit (JDK) regular expression grammar. This attribute is mutually exclusive with the extensionClass attribute. |
extensionClass | Optional | An extension class | N/A | If the content object matching rules cannot be expressed by a regular expression, then the extensionClass attribute may be specified. This attribute specifies a Java class that extends the com.zimbra.cs.zimlet.ZimletHandler interface. This class file must be part of the Zimlet bundle.
<serverExtension hasKeyword="tracking" extensionClass="com.zimbra.cs.zimlet.handler.TrackingHandler"/>
A content object is an object that is recognized by a zimlet in a body of content, such as an email message body, the notes of an appointment, or fields in a contact. Examples of content objects are: Phone numbers, URLs, purchase order numbers, package tracking numbers, etc. The <contentObject>
element defines the content object that a zimlet recognizes and how the user interacts with the object. If a zimlet does not expose a content object then this element may be omitted.
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <contentObject>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | matchOn | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Specifies the rules for the matching content objects. See <matchOn> for more information. |
2 | onClick | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Defines behavior for a single-click action. See <onClick> for more information. |
3 | toolTip | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | The tool tip displayed when hovering over the object. See <toolTip> for more information. |
4 | contextMenu | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Defines the menu items created on right-click of the object. See <contextMenu> for more information. |
The <contentObject>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
type | Optional | A zimlet content object type | N/A | The attribute allows you to designate the type of content object. |
<contentObject type="mytype"> <matchOn> <regex attrs="ig">lab|user|remodel|zimbra</regex> <!-- matches lab or user or remodel or zimbra --> </matchOn> <toolTip>Hello World! Tool Tip</toolTip> </contentObject>
The <contextMenu>
element specifies the context menu items and their corresponding actions. A context menu is displayed when the user right clicks the mouse over a content object or a panel item (depending on whether being used in a <contentObject> or <zimletPanelItem>).
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <contextMenu>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | menuItem | Required (1 or more allowed) | Designated the menu items and actions for the context menu. See <menuItem> for more information. |
<contextMenu> <menuItem label="Test menu 1.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID1" /> <menuItem label="Test menu 2.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID2" /> <menuItem label="Test menu 3.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID3" /> </contextMenu>
Using this element enables the zimlet to appear as a portlet on the Zimbra portal interface.
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <portlet>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | portletProperties | Optional (0 or more allowed) | Defines portlet properties. See <portletProperties> for more information. |
<portlet> <portletProperties> <property type="string" name="url" label="URL" value="about:blank"/> <property type="number" name="refresh" label="Refresh (ms)" /> </portletProperties> </portlet>
Using a zimlet panel item enables the zimlet to appear in the Zimbra Client "Zimlets" overview panel (found in the lower-right section of the client interface).
The user may interact with a zimlet panel item by clicking, double clicking, right-clicking for a context menu, as well as by dragging-and-dropping various objects (such as contacts, conversations and mail messages) onto the panel item. The panel item definition specifies the type of objects that the Zimlet supports as well the actions to be performed when those object drag-and-drop occurs.
Do not include this element if you do not wish to expose a panel item for the Zimlet.
The <zimletPanelItem>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
label | Required | A valid panel label | N/A | The label will be displayed as the text label for the panel item. |
icon | Optional | The panel icon | N/A | The CSS class of the icon to be displayed as the panel item icon. |
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <zimletPanelItem>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | toolTipText | Optional (1 and only 1 allowed) | The tool tip text to be displayed. See <toolTipText> for more information. |
2 | dragSource | Optional (0 or more allowed) | Specifies the drag source. See <dragSource> for more information. |
3 | onClick | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Defines behavior on single-click action. See <onClick> for more information. |
4 | onDoubleClick | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Defines behavior on double-click action. See <onDoubleClick> for more information. |
5 | contextMenu | Optional (0 or 1 allowed) | Designates the menu items and actions. See <contextMenu> for more information. |
<zimletPanelItem label="Test Panel Item"> <contextMenu> <menuItem label="Test menu 1.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID1" /> <menuItem label="Test menu 2.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID2" /> <menuItem label="Test menu 3.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID3" /> </contextMenu> </zimletPanelItem>
The <param>
element is used to define parameters. The content of the element is the value of the parameter.
The <param>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
name | Required | A attribute name | N/A | Specifies the parameter name |
<actionUrl method="get" target="http://www.mapquest.com"> <param name="address">passing an address value for the address parameter</param> </actionUrl>
A <menuItem>
element describes an entry in the context menu. See <contextMenu> for more information.
For a menu line-break, use an empty <menuItem />
The <menuItem>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
id | Optional | The item id | N/A | A unique identifier for the menu item. If this attribute is omitted, use an empty <menuItem /> element for a line-break.
label | Optional | The item label | N/A | This is the text that will be displayed for the menu item in the context menu. |
icon | Optional | The item icon | N/A | The url of the icon to be displayed for the menu item. |
disabledIcon | Optional | The item icon | N/A | The url of the icon to be displayed when this menu item is disabled. |
Note: the only way to enable or disable a menu item is via the Zimlet Handler Object JavaScript methods.
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <menuItem>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | menuItem | Optional (0 and more allowed) | Nested menu items to create multi-level menus. |
2 | canvas | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The visual canvas to use for the menu item. See <canvas> for more information. |
3 | actionUrl | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The url to load on the click event. If this element is omitted, the Zimlet framework will call the Zimlet Handler Object class menuItemSelected() method. See <actionUrl> for more information.
<contextMenu> <menuItem label="Test menu 1.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID1"> <canvas type="window" width="300" height="300" /> <actionUrl method="get" target="http://www.yahoo.com" /> </menuItem> </contextMenu>
When a user hovers the mouse over a content object, a tool tip may be popped up. The <toolTip>
element controls the behavior of this tool tip.
The <toolTip>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
sticky | Optional | true, false | false | If set to "true", then the tool tip becomes a sticky tool tip. Such a tool tip behaves as a standard tool tip (i.e. will be dismissed on the appropriate amount of mouse motion) unless the user clicks within the tool tip content. When clicking in the tool tip content, the tip will remain "popped up" requiring the user to explicitly dismiss it. Sticky tool tips are a hybrid between dialogs and standard tool tips, and are useful when the user is able to interact with the content of the tool tip. For example, to zoom into the map of an address. If the sticky attribute is set to "false", then the tool tip behaves as a traditional tool tip and will be dismissed when the user moves their mouse. |
width | Optional | A valid tool tip width | N/A | The width (in pixels) of the tool tip content. If this attribute is omitted, then the Zimlet framework will automatically size the tool tip. |
height | Optional | A valid tool tip height | N/A | The height (in pixels) of the tool tip content. If this attribute is omitted, then the Zimlet framework will automatically size the content |
The <toolTip>
element can contain the tool tip text directly and it may also contain the following elements:
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | actionUrl | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | Specifies the url to be loaded in the tool tip. If this element is omitted, then the Zimlet framework will call the Zimlet Handler Object class toolTipPoppedUp() method. If the tool tip is a "sticky" tool tip, then when it is dismissed the Zimlet Handler Object class toolTipPoppedDown() method will be called. See <actionUrl> for more information.
<toolTip sticky=”true” width=”100” height=”200”> <actionUrl method=”get” target=”http://maps.google.com”> <param name=””>${src.objectContent}</param> </actionUrl> </toolTip>
<toolTip sticky=”true” width=”100” height=”200”> This is the tool tip. </toolTip>
Much like the <serverExtension> element specifies the rules that must be applied to match a content object for server side indexing, the <matchOn
element specifies the rules for the matching content objects on the client. There are two mechanisms that may be used to define these rules:
- The first is with the
element. The content of this element specifies a regular expression that defines the Zimlet’s content object. The format of this regular expression must follow the JavaScript regular expression grammar. The attrs attribute can be used to set any RegEx attributes. - If the content object matching rules cannot be expressed by a regular expression, then the Zimlet server extension
match method may be overridden to provide the matching rules. See <serverExtension> for more information.
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <matchOn>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | matchOn | Required (1 and only 1 allowed) | The regular expression. See <regex> for more information. |
<matchOn> <regex attrs=”ig”>1[zZ]\\s?\\w{3}\\s?\\w{3}\\s?\\</regex> </matchOn>
The regular expression. The expression must follow the JavaScript regular expression grammar
The <regex>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
attrs | Optional | Regex attributes | N/A | The attrs attribute can be used to set any RegEx attributes. |
The <onClick>
element defines the behavior for the single-click action (i.e. when a user clicks on the zimlet with the left mouse button once).
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <onClick>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | canvas | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The visual canvas to use for the url action. See <canvas> for more information. |
2 | actionUrl | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The url to load on the click event. See <actionUrl> for more information. |
When the user clicks on the zimlet content object, a new browser window of 300x300 pixel dimension is opened. The browser is loaded with the content of the URL specified in the <actionUrl>
<onClick> <canvas type="window" width="300" height="300" /> <actionUrl method="get" target="http://maps.google.com" /> </onClick>
The <onDoubleClick>
element defines the behavior for the double-click action (i.e. when a user clicks on the zimlet with the left mouse button twice).
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <onDoubleClick>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | canvas | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The visual canvas to use for the url action. See <canvas> for more information. |
2 | actionUrl | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The url to load on the click event. See <actionUrl> for more information. |
When the user double-clicks on the zimlet content object, a new browser window of 300x300 pixel dimension is opened. The browser is loaded with the content of the URL specified in the <actionUrl>
<onDoubleClick> <canvas type="window" width="300" height="300" /> <actionUrl method="get" target="http://maps.google.com" /> </onDoubleClick>
Certain actions may result in content (e.g. driving directions or an html form) being presented to the user. In those cases, the <canvas>
element describes the visual element where the content will be rendered.
The <canvas>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
type | Required | none, dialog, tooltip, window | N/A | Specifies the type of canvas.
width | Optional | The canvas width | N/A | The width in pixels of the visual canvas. This attribute is ignored if the visual type is "none". If this attribute is omitted, then the Zimlet framework will automatically size the content. |
height | Optional | The canvas height | N/A | The height in pixels of the visual canvas. This attribute is ignored if the visual type is "none". If this attribute is omitted, then the Zimlet framework will automatically size the content. |
props | Optional | The canvas window properties | toolbar=yes, location=yes, status=yes, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes | Properties to send to the canvas when type="window" . These are the properties passed to the JavaScript window.open() method. By setting this attribute, you are overriding these properties.
title | Optional | The canvas dialog title | N/A | The title of the canvas when type="dialog" .
<menuItem label="First Context Menu Item - Go to Yahoo!" icon="Search" id="SOME_ID1"> <canvas type="window" width="800" height="600" /> <actionUrl target="http://www.yahoo.com" method="get" /> </menuItem>
The <dragSource>
element specifies a drag source for the zimlet panel item. A drag source consists of a Zimbra object type (e.g. a conversation, a contact, or a mail message) and the action to be performed when a object of that type is dropped on the panel item.
The <dragSource>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
type | Required | ZmAppt, ZmConv, ZmContact, ZmFolder, ZmMailMsg, ZmNotebook, ZmTask | N/A | Specifies the drag source type. |
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <dragSource>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | canvas | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The visual canvas to use for the url action. See <canvas> for more information. |
2 | actionUrl | Optional (0 and 1 allowed) | The url to load on the click event. If this element is omitted, then the Zimlet framework will call the Zimlet Handler Object class doDrag() method. See <actionUrl> for more information.
<zimletPanelItem label="Test Panel with Drag Source"> <dragSource type="ZmAppt" /> <dragSource type="ZmContact" /> </zimletPanelItem>
The <actionUrl>
element describes a URL that is called based on a given action. Examples of actions are clicking on a content object or dropping a contact onto a Zimlet panel item.
The <actionUrl>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
method | Optional | get, post | get | Specifies the HTTP method to use (GET or POST). |
target | Required | The target URL | N/A | Specifies the target URL. This may be either an absolute URL or a relative URL. |
xslt | Optional | The XSTL style sheet | N/A | Specifies the XSLT style sheet file name. This file must be part of the Zimlet bundle. If present,the XSLT style sheet is applied to the result of the target URL. The output of applying the style sheet must be an HTML element, such as a <div> .
paramStart | Optional | The param start character | ? | This attribute specifies the character to use when appending parameters to a GET URL. |
paramJoin | Optional | The param join character | & | This attribute specifies the character to use when appending additional parameters to a GET URL. |
The following table describes the elements you can define within an <actionUrl>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | param | Optional (0 or more allowed) | Specifies parameters that are to be passed to the target URL. See <param> for more information. |
<actionUrl target="http://www.yahoo.com" method="get" />
<actionUrl target="http://www.yahoo.com" method="get"> <param name="someparamtopass">myvalue</param> </actionUrl>
Defines the tool tip text to be displayed when a user hovers the mouse over the zimlet.
<toolTipText>Drag and drop a contact</toolTipText>
Example (using a message property from the i18n resource messages.
Portlet properties enable zimlets to store properties with the zimlet.
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <portletProperties>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | property | Required (1 or more allowed) | Defines the portlet property. See <property> for more information. |
<portlet> <portletProperties> <property type="string" name="url" label="URL" value="about:blank"/> <property type="number" name="refresh" label="Refresh (ms)" /> </portletProperties> </portlet>
User properties enable zimlets to store user state/properties with the zimlet. If a zimlet defines user properties and the zimlet has a <zimbraPanelItem>
, a property editor dialog is presented when the panel item is double-clicked.
The property editor dialog is constructed by the Zimlet Handler Object createPropertyEditor()
. The default implementation of this method will "auto-create" a default property editor. Override createPropertyEditor()
in order to provide a custom editor dialog.
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <userProperties>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | property | Required (1 or more allowed) | Defines the user property. See <property> for more information. |
<userProperties> <property type="string" label="Your username" name="my_test_username" /> <property type="password" label="Your password" name="my_test_password" /> <property type="number" label="Your ID number" name="my_test_id_num" /> <property type="date" label="Delivery Date" name="my_test_delivery_date" /> <property type="boolean" label="Priority?" name="my_test_priority" /> <property type="enum" label="Shapes" name="my_test_shapes"> <item label="Square" value="square"/> <item label="Circle" value="circle"/> <item label="Rectangle" value="rectangle"/> </property> </userProperties>
Defines the user property. The Zimlet Handler Object may access a property value with the getUserPropertyInfo()
The Zimlet Definition File may access a property value by enclosing the property name with "${}", and scoping it with "prop".
For example, to access a property name "my_test_username", one would specify ${prop.my_test_username}
. Here is an example of using the property as a parameter to an action url:
<menuItem label="Test menu 2.0" id="TEST_MENU_SOME_ID2"> <actionUrl method="get" target="http://finance.yahoo.com"> <param name="whatismyparam">${prop.my_test_username}</param> </actionUrl> </menuItem>
The following table describes the elements you can define within a <property>
Order | Element | Required / Optional | Description |
1 | item | Optional (0 or more allowed) | The items used in the property (depending on property type). See below for more information on property type. See <item> for more information on the element. |
The <property>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
type | Required | password, enum, boolean, number, date, string | string | The type of property. |
name | Required | A valid name | N/A | The variable name of the user property. |
label | Optional | A valid label | The value of the name attribute. | The "pretty name" of the user property to be displayed in the Property Editor. |
visible | Optional | true, false | true | If the property should be displayed in the Property editor. This attribute is used only if the default Property Editor is being used. |
value | Optional | A default value | N/A | The pre-populated "default" value of the property to be displayed in the Property Editor property field. |
readonly | Optional | true, false | false | The property should be read only. |
required | Optional | true, false | false | The property should be required. |
Based on the property attribute "type", the different attributes are used. The following sections describe those element attributes.
<property> attributes for type "string"
The <property>
element uses the following attributes when type="string":
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
minLength | Optional | The minimum length | N/A | Defines the minimum string length for this property. |
maxLength | Optional | The maximum length | N/A | Defines the maximum string length for this property. |
rows | Optional | The number of lines | N/A | By defining this attribute, a text area input field is used and this attribute defines the number of lines displayed in the text area. |
<property type="string" name="home_currency" minLength="3" maxLength="3" label="Home Currency"/>
<property> attributes for type "password"
The <property>
element uses the following attributes when type="password":
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
minLength | Optional | The minimum length | N/A | Defines the minimum string length for this property. |
maxLength | Optional | The maximum length | N/A | Defines the maximum string length for this property. |
<property type="password" name="passwd" minLength="4" maxLength="255" label="Password" />
<property> attributes for type "number"
The <property>
element uses the following attributes when type="number":
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
minValue | Optional | The minimum value | N/A | Defines the minimum value for this property. |
maxValue | Optional | The maximum value | N/A | Defines the maximum value for this property. |
<property type="number" name="WebExMax" label="Max # Of Meetings" />
<property> attributes for type "date"
Dates are represented internally as milliseconds since the epoc. No additional element attributes are used. The Property Editor dialog will present a date selector widget.
<property type="date" label="Delivery Date" name="my_test_delivery_date" />
<property> attributes for type "boolean"
The Boolean type represents a "true" or "false" value. This is presented to the user as a check button widget. No additional attributes are used.
<property type="boolean" label="Priority?" name="my_test_priority" />
<property> attributes for type "enum"
The enum type represents a set of choices. This may be presented to the user as a drop-down select box with a list of the valid choices or a set of radio buttons.
Properties of type="enum" expect 1 or more <item>
elements. See <property> and <item> for more information.
<property type="enum" name="chart_type" label="Ex-rate chart" value="H_2_O"> <item label="Home currency to other" value="H_2_O"/> <item label="Other to home currency" value="O_2_H"/> </property>
The <item>
element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Required / Optional | Range of Values | Default Value | Description |
label | Required | The item label | N/A | The user interface label for the item. |
value | Required | The item value | N/A | The value for the item. |