WebUI issues caused by non-existing calendar share
Cause of common WebUI issues
Symptoms of issues, that are caused by one problem:
- Not able to log in into the Inbox. Need to change the default folder to login to be something else.
- Not all emails are shown in the Inbox
- Clicking on different tabs/folders produce an network error
The reason for this symptoms have been identified to be an invalid calendar or folder share, that doesn't exists anymore. Usually when you click on the calendar tab, you will see a crossed out calendar name, or on the Mail tab, on the left you will see a crossed shared folder. It could be that the deleted calendar/folder is in the trash, but its not deleted from there. That also will cause problems.
To make sure that the calendar/folder is the cause, look in the /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log file what exception will be produced when you see the error. Usually its something similar to that:
2016-01-21 16:17:02,692 WARN [qtp509886383-241063:] [name=user@domain.com;aname=admin@domain.com;mid=77;ip=;ua=ZimbraWebClient - FF43 (Win)/8.6.0_GA_1191;] SoapEngine - handler exception java.lang.NullPointerException at com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message.manageCalendar(Message.java:636) at com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message.getRemoteCalendarItem(Message.java:674) at com.zimbra.cs.service.mail.ToXML.encodeInvitesForMessage(ToXML.java:2389) at com.zimbra.cs.service.mail.ToXML.encodeMessageSummary(ToXML.java:1938) at com.zimbra.cs.service.mail.SearchResponse.add(SearchResponse.java:263) at com.zimbra.cs.service.mail.SearchResponse.add(SearchResponse.java:164) at com.zimbra.cs.service.mail.Search.putHits(Search.java:182) at com.zimbra.cs.service.mail.Search.handle(Search.java:113) at com.zimbra.soap.SoapEngine.dispatchRequest(SoapEngine.java:581) at com.zimbra.soap.SoapEngine.dispatch(SoapEngine.java:435) at com.zimbra.soap.SoapEngine.dispatch(SoapEngine.java:266) at com.zimbra.soap.SoapServlet.doWork(SoapServlet.java:303)
If the problem is a folder, the exception will be similar. When you see that exception, the first thing is to check for invalid shared calendars or folders. Delete it and the issue will most probably be gone.