Running Zimbra Desktop 1.0 FAQ
Running Zimbra Desktop 1.0 - FAQ
- This is archive documentation, which means it is not supported or valid for recent versions of Zimbra Collaboration.
- This article is a Work in Progress, and may be unfinished or missing sections.
Note: For information about recent releases of Zimbra Desktop, see the Zimbra Desktop section on the Wiki Main Page
How do I run ZD?
- If you have chosen to put a shortcut on your desktop, you can launch ZD by double clicking the ZD icon there. In addition, on Windows there's a shortcut added to the Start menu and on Mac under Applications.
How do I shutdown ZD?
- On Windows clicking the "x" on the upper right corner of the window only minimizes ZD to the system tray. To shutdown ZD, either select "Quit" from the window system menu, or right click on the tray icon and select "Quit". On Mac and Linux, simply closing the window will shutdown ZD.
Can I still receive new mail when ZD is not running?
- Yes. The graphic user interface of ZD is only the front-end of the software. There's also the back-end service running behind the scene. The back-end service is responsible for synchronizing data with various remote servers on a user-defined schedule. The ZD service continues running even after you quit the ZD GUI, but at a lower sync frequency when the GUI front end is not running.
I don't use ZD very often and sometimes I want to free up more memory. How do I shutdown the ZD back end service?
- If the ZD GUI is running, to shutdown ZD, on Windows in the tray icon menu select "Shutdown Service", and on a Mac, you can use the Dock icon menu to do that. On Linux you have to shutdown ZD using a terminal window. In a terminal window, 'cd' into <install> and run './zdesktop stop'.
- In addition, you can also use the Control Panel Service Manager to shut the service down on Windows. Note that once you shutdown the back end service, ZD will no longer synchronize data with any remote server until you start it up again.
How do I start the ZD back end service after I stopped it?
- Simply launching ZD GUI will automatically start the service if it's not already running.
Does the ZD service automatically starts after system reboot?
- It auto-starts on Windows and Mac, but not on Linux.
Is there a way to disable auto-start?
- On Windows you can use the Control Panel to change the service to start "manually". On Mac you will need to modify the ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.zimbra.zdesktop.plist file. How to change launchd program is beyond the scope of this FAQ, but you can find information online.
Can ZD run on a multiuser system?
- While the answer is yes, with the current version only one user can use it. On UNIX platforms (Linux/MacOS), ZD CANNOT be installed or run by root user.