Outlook Search Issue
Outlook Search Issue
- Outlook (ZCO) search not working.
- Search taking very long time to show the result.
The following steps needs to be followed to troubleshoot ZCO Search issues
- Windows search service needs to be enabled.
- Check for the ZCO related registry entries are present
- If OL is Click To Run, Outlook 32 bit, Windows 64 bit
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{D00FDE68-3E80-4f8c-899D-D9DD16BA7D1D} = 1 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{FA9628A0-F223-4d5d-B314-E01BC8100572} = 1
- If OL is Click To Run, Outlook and Windows have same bitness (Wow6432Node would be absent)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{D00FDE68-3E80-4f8c-899D-D9DD16BA7D1D} = 1 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{FA9628A0-F223-4d5d-B314-E01BC8100572} = 1
- If OL is not Click To Run, Outlook 32 bit, Windows 64 bit
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{D00FDE68-3E80-4f8c-899D-D9DD16BA7D1D} = 1 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{FA9628A0-F223-4d5d-B314-E01BC8100572} = 1
- If OL is not Click To Run, Outlook and Windows have same bitness (Wow6432Node would be absent)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{D00FDE68-3E80-4f8c-899D-D9DD16BA7D1D} = 1 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences{FA9628A0-F223-4d5d-B314-E01BC8100572} = 1
- If the problem is due to search slowness while items are still being indexed, it could be due to AutoRecon reindexing all the mails. This normally happens every 72 hours. This also can be verified by enabling SearchProtocol Log. Need to check if the problem happens at certain times every three days. The slowness will be more pronounced in bigger accounts. If the user search activity coincides with the period during with Autorecon reindexes all mails, slowness or partial results will be observed. The solution is to disable AutoRecon in the registry.
Steps to disable the automatic reconciliation
If the recondisable policy setting are enabled, automatic reconciliation will be turned off.
If the recondisable policy setting are disabled or not configured, Outlook will reconcile its index every 72 hours.
The Registry Path for outlook versions
Outlook 2010 software\policies\microsoft\office\14.0\outlook\search Outlook 2013 software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\outlook\search Outlook 2016 software\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\search Outlook 2019 software\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\search Office 365 software\policies\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\search
To verify that the automatic reconciliation is disabled, check the SearchProtocol Log size.It should not show 10 MB logs. Check the below image the automatic reconciliation happened after 72 hrs and the logs are of small size.
Submitted by: Nagesh Bhagwat |