Installing zimbra on an external firewire drive (OSX)

Firewire drives are not considered local devices by default, therefor setuid/setgid perms are ignored.

1)Plug the firewire hard drive, formated it with hfs and created an entry for it in /etc/fstab like this one

UUID=5A0CBF6E-5EE8-3E14-A24A-36144214A36C /opt/zimbra hfs rw,local,auto 1 2

2)You may need to change the config of automount with the following command defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true

3)The installer should have registered the service with launchd. You can verify this with service --list | grep com.zimbra.zcs If nothing is returned you can add it manual with launchctl load /opt/zimbra/conf/com.zimbra.zcs.plist

Verified Against: unknown Date Created: 5/1/2007
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-03-24

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