Installing GNR 6.0.13 on FreeBSD 8 amd64
Article Information |
This article applies to the following ZCS versions. |
General information
Please, read Zimbra_on_FreeBSD for all the details.
This guide describes installing GNR-6013 on FreeBSD-8_amd64.
At this point it's good to note that everything should be run as root unless stated otherwise.
Preparing run enviroment via
Since some people like to compile and others like to install-only I built all the necessary zimbra-rundeps packages.
cd /tmp && \ fetch && \ tar xzf zimbra-rundeps-8_amd64-6.0.13.tgz && \ cd zimbra-rundeps-6.0.13 && \ pkg_add zimbra-rundeps-6.0.13.tbz && \ cd /tmp && rm -rf zimbra-rundeps-*
You need to accept diablo-jdk16 license.
If you are using a csh derivate shell, which is the FreeBSD default, run:
Grats, you just saved yourself a lot of time.
Quick-hacks for a better day
Since Zimbra is a Linux lover by nature everything is /bin/bash but guess what.. we have /usr/local/bin/bash:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/bash
Installing Zimbra Collaboration Suite: GNR-6013 via
Fetch GNR-6013 FreeBSD-8.2_amd64 packages:
cd /tmp && \ fetch && \ tar xzf zcs-6.0.13_GA_2920.FreeBSD_amd64.tgz && \ rm -f zcs-6.0.13_GA_2920.FreeBSD_amd64.tgz && \ cd zcs-6*
Further reading
--Solko 04:15, 13 June 2011 (PDT)