Connect tab not visible

Zimbra-Connect tab not visible in webclient

   KB 24316        Last updated on 2021-07-7  

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Zimbra-Connect tab not visible in webclient.


The following steps need to be performed to troubleshoot the Zimbra-Connect tab visibility issue.

1. Check if connect package is installed on the server
For Ubuntu

dpkg -l | grep connect


rpm -qa | grep connect

2. Check if connect zimlet is installed

zmzimletctl  listZimlets | grep 

3. Check if connect service is running with the below command

zxsuite connect getServices

4. Check if the connect zimlet is enabled on the COS level as below


5. If the above checks are performed then need to check what error is present in the browser debug console. To enable the debug console login to the webclient and press the F12 key of the keyboard.


If in the debug console 404 errors are present, it's likely a symptom of proxy configuration issues.To fix this problem set zimbraPublicServiceHostname, zimbraPublicServiceProtocol, and zimbraPublicServicePort on Domain or Global level configuration as below

Steps for Global Level Config

su - zimbra 
zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServiceHostname MAIL.DOMAIN.COM
zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServiceProtocol https
zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServicePort 443
zmcontrol restart

Steps for Domain Level Config

su - zimbra 
zmprov md DOMAIN.COM zimbraPublicServiceHostname MAIL.DOMAIN.COM
zmprov md DOMAIN.COM zimbraPublicServiceProtocol https
zmprov md DOMAIN.COM zimbraPublicServicePort 443
zmcontrol restart

Once fixed these parameters, regenerate the reverse proxy scripts by running /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmproxyconfgen and then reload the reverse proxy scripts by running zmproxyctl restart.

Submitted by: Nagesh Bhagwat
Verified Against: ZCS 8.8 Date Created: 2020-04-13
Article ID: Date Modified: 2021-07-07

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