Admin console blank
Admin console page is not loading.
- Admin console page shows blank.
Scenario 1 : Corruption of
- To confirm whether it is caused due file corruption, Search for below error in web browser console logs,
For Chrome: Check the "inspect element" in the console section. For firefox: Check "web console" in the console section.
It will show a similar error like below:
TypeError: ZaMsg.never is undefined
- If found similar error like above then there might be a chance of file corruption on Zimbra server.
- To fix this issue, take a backup of the current
file and then copy this file from any other working ZCS server or any other working mailbox server(in the multi-server environment) which is on the same version and same patch as ZCS server.
- Once this file is copied to affected server then set correct ownership and permissions as below,
cd /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbraAdmin/WEB-INF/classes/messages chmod 664 chown zimbra:zimbra
- Clear the ZCS server cache,
zmprov fc all
- Clear browser cache and try to load the admin console page again.
Submitted by: Vivek Dhande |