

Certified page regarding Ubuntu upgrade has not been useful for ages (Even in 2024).

This is the easiest way to upgrade from one Ubuntu version to the next one in-place.

TIP : Check the upgrade example if this template page scares you.

This page is a template

  • Replace @ZVER@ with 10.1.4 (Zimbra ZCS version)
  • Replace @OLDU@ with 20 (Older Ubuntu version)
  • Replace @NEWU@ with 22 (Newer Ubuntu version)

About the upgrade

The upgrade must be with the same exact version but just changing the Ubuntu version. This is aimed at Zimbra 8.8.15 or higher versions.


Upgrade to latest Ubuntu packages

Make sure to run on the last version of Ubuntu packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Reboot your system

Allow Third party package repos

Create: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d/allow-thirdparty.cfg file with the following content:


Upgrade to newer Ubuntu version

sudo apt-get update
sudo do-release-upgrade

This will finally reboot your system

Packages version check (Optional)

After booting into your upgraded system Zimbra seems to work as expected but not everything is ok. Unfortunately due to Zimbra not handling their own meta packages dependencies properly (I should perhaps open a bug, I'm not sure) now you still get @OLDU@.04 packages:

sudo dpkg -l | grep zimbra | grep -E '@OLDU@.04|@OLDU@.64' | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $7 " " $8 " " $9}'

ii zimbra-apache @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-core @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-ldap @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-logger @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-mta @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-proxy @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-snmp @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-spell @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy
ii zimbra-store @ZVER@.GA.1854.UBUNTU@OLDU@.64 amd64 Best email money can buy

Upgrade to same installed version

Upgrade from ZCS-@ZVER@-@NEWU@.04 to ZCS-@ZVER@-@NEWU@.04

That's right, you are upgrading to the same installed version.

cd zcs-*

Make sure to tell the installation you want to upgrade and not to install

We are upgraded

Now we should have the same packages as a pristine ZCS-@ZVER@-@NEWU@.04 installation and a working Zimbra installation.


Zimbra Forums - Re: Ubuntu 18.04 upgrade sequence?

Bug 107436 -- do-release-upgrade breaks zimbra installation

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