Zmsoap: Difference between revisions

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{{BC|Community Sandbox}}
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{{KB|{{Unsupported}}|{{ZCS 7.0}}|{{ZCS 6.0}}|}}
Specify the request on the command line in an XPath-inspired syntax, and zmsoap takes care of authenticating, generating the envelope, sending the request, and writing the response to stdout.
Specify the request on the command line in an XPath-inspired syntax, and zmsoap takes care of authenticating, generating the envelope, sending the request, and writing the response to stdout.

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=====Folder Retention Policies=====
The zmsoap below sets a message disposal policy with a 90 day threshold on folder Id 2 (Inbox). This is the same as ZWC -> Right Click Folder -> Edit Properties -> Retention -> Check "Enable Message Disposal" for 90 days.
zmsoap -z -m user@domain.tld FolderActionRequest/action @id="2" @op="retentionpolicy" retentionPolicy/keep \
> ../purge/policy @lifetime="90d" @type="user"
<FolderActionResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraMail">
  <action id="2" op="retentionpolicy"/>
zmsoap generally follows XPath syntax. Each subsequent path is relative to the one previously specified. Since retentionPolicy/keep and retentionPolicy/purge are on the same level, it is necessary to prefix purge with "../" in order to set the path correctly.
Line 438: Line 454:
''SearchGalRequest'' is used when searching the GAL or galsync account. See soap.txt for more attributes. The ''-m'' flag is the account to use when searching while the ''name'' element of the request specifies who to look for in the GAL.
''SearchGalRequest'' is used when searching the GAL or galsync account. See soap.txt for more attributes. The ''-m'' flag is the account to use when searching while the ''name'' element of the request specifies who to look for in the GAL.
zmsoap -z -t account -m SearchGalRequest/name=mary @type=account
zmsoap -z -t account -m SearchGalRequest @name=mary @type=account

Line 461: Line 477:
[[zmmailbox]] uses refined syntax & is the typical admin tool along with [[zmprov]]
[[zmmailbox]] uses refined syntax & is the typical admin tool along with [[zmprov]]
{{Article Footer|Zimbra Collaboration 7.0, 6.0|04/16/2014}}
[[Category:Command Line Interface]]
[[Category:Command Line Interface]]

Latest revision as of 15:18, 13 July 2015


   KB 2526        Last updated on 2015-07-13  

(0 votes)


Specify the request on the command line in an XPath-inspired syntax, and zmsoap takes care of authenticating, generating the envelope, sending the request, and writing the response to stdout.


ZCS 5.0

zmjava com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapCommandUtil got revamped, and a new launcher utility 'zmsoap' was added in 5.0.7+

$ zmsoap --help
zmsoap [options] <path1> [<path2> ...]                                          
  --help (-h)                 Print usage information.                          
  --mailbox (-m) name         Mailbox account name.  mail and account requests  
                              are sent to this account.  Also used for          
                              authentication if -a and -z are not specified.    
  --target name               Target account name to which requests will be     
                              sent.  Only used for non-admin sessions.          
  --admin (-a) name           Admin account name to authenticaste as.           
  --zadmin (-z)               Authenticate with zimbra admin name/password from 
  --password (-p) pass        Password.                                         
  --passfile (-P) path        Read password from file.                          
  --element (-e) path         Root element path.  If specified, all path        
                              arguments that don't start with a slash (/) are   
                              relative to this element.                         
  --type (-t) type            SOAP request type (mail, account, admin).         
                              Default is admin.                                 
  --url (-u) http[s]://...    Server hostname and optional port. 
                              SOAP service url, usually                            
                              http[s]://host:port/service/soap or                  
  --verbose (-v)              Print the SOAP request and other status           
  path [path ...]             Element or attribute path and value.  Roughly     
                              follows XPath syntax:                             

ZCS 6.0

In 6.0 D2 -e is removed, and the following is added:

  --type (-t) type         SOAP request type (mail, account, admin, im,         
                           mobile).  Default is admin.                          
  --verbose (-v)           Print the SOAP request and other status information. 
                           Specify twice for fully verbose output.              
  --no-op (-n)             Print the SOAP request only.  Don't send it.         
  --select path            Select element(s) or an attribute from the response. 
  --json                   Use JSON instead of XML.                             
  --file (-f) file-path    Read request from file.                              

Also discussions on AuthRequest being sent to adminSoapURL for a delegated token, while the payload of the mailbox/account request would get sent to SoapURL.

SOAP API Reference

Take a look in /opt/zimbra/docs on your Zimbra server for SOAP API documentation. There, you will find files named soap.txt, soap-admin.txt, and other soap-*.txt containing information on how to use the API.

ZCS8 SOAP API Reference

ZCS8 Examples


SOAP API reference

Stat groups

Dumps available stat groups for the specified server.

zmsoap -z GetLoggerStatsRequest/hostname @hn="mbs1.zmb.moc"
Stat names

Dump available stat names for a specified stat group name.

zmsoap -z GetLoggerStatsRequest/hostname @hn="mbs1.zmb.moc" ../stats=1 @name="mysql.csv"

If the command results in

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

then increase the heap space available to zmjava in localconfig.

Check the current value

zmlocalconfig zimbra_zmjava_options
zimbra_zmjava_options = -Xmx256m

Set the new value

zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_zmjava_options="-Xmx512m"
MySQL uptime

Dump MySQL uptime statistics from mailbox host mbs1.zmb.moc.

SOAP request for MySQL uptime:

<GetLoggerStatsRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <hostname hn="mbs1.zmb.moc"/>
  <stats name="mysql.csv">
      <stat name="Uptime"/>

To construct the zmsoap command, work from the deepest elements and attributes in the request to formulate the XPath from left to right.

zmsoap -z GetLoggerStatsRequest/hostname @hn="mbs1.zmb.moc" ../stats/values/stat @name="Uptime" ../../@name="mysql.csv"



Folder Retention Policies

The zmsoap below sets a message disposal policy with a 90 day threshold on folder Id 2 (Inbox). This is the same as ZWC -> Right Click Folder -> Edit Properties -> Retention -> Check "Enable Message Disposal" for 90 days.

zmsoap -z -m user@domain.tld FolderActionRequest/action @id="2" @op="retentionpolicy" retentionPolicy/keep \
> ../purge/policy @lifetime="90d" @type="user"
<FolderActionResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraMail">
  <action id="2" op="retentionpolicy"/>

zmsoap generally follows XPath syntax. Each subsequent path is relative to the one previously specified. Since retentionPolicy/keep and retentionPolicy/purge are on the same level, it is necessary to prefix purge with "../" in order to set the path correctly.



Dump all grants for a specified grantee.

zmsoap -z GetGrantsRequest/grantee=user1@zmb.moc @type=usr @by=name @all=1

Attributes type, by and all are required for this request. If grantee does not have grants, then you will see this error:

ERROR: service.INVALID_REQUEST (invalid request: invalid grantee)

Dump grants for a specified target COS:

zmsoap -z GetGrantsRequest/target=e00428a1-0c00-11d9-836a-000d93afea2a @type=cos @by=id

See /opt/zimbra/doc/soap-right.txt for more options.


$ zmsoap -z -e GetAccountInfoRequest/account=user1 -v @by=name

Sending admin auth request to https://localhost:7071/service/admin/soap

<GetAccountInfoRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <account by="name">user1</account>

<GetAccountInfoResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <a n="zimbraId">decf3d72-623c-44d1-be34-23df4d285fb1</a>
  <a n="zimbraMailHost"></a>
$zmsoap -z -t account -m -v GetInfoRequest
$ zmsoap -m user1 -p test123 -u http://localhost:7070/service/soap --type account GetInfoRequest | head

<GetInfoResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAccount">
  <version>unknown unknown unknown unknown</version>


$ zmsoap -z -m user1 SearchRequest/query=in:inbox | head

<SearchResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraMail" offset="0" more="1" sortBy="dateDesc">
  <c f="u" score="1.0" id="-514" n="1" sf="1211495060000" d="1211495060000">
    <su>Goodmail test</su>
    <fr>Tastes great!</fr>
    <e d="goodmailbot42" a="" t="f"></e>
    <m id="514"></m>
  <c n="1" score="1.0" d="1211495060000" id="-525" f="u" sf="1211495060000">
    <su>Welcome to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite source!</su>


$ zmsoap -z -m -v -e FolderActionRequest/action op=empty id=1 recursive=false

Sending admin auth request to https://localhost:7071/service/admin/soap

<FolderActionRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraMail">

<FolderActionResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraMail">
  <action op="empty" id="1"></action>

Connectivity To Another Server

This command sends a GetServerRequest to and filters enabled services with grep.

$ zmsoap -z -v -u -e GetServerRequest/ @by=name | grep zimbraServiceEnabled
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">antivirus</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">antispam</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">logger</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">mailbox</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">mta</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">stats</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">snmp</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">ldap</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">spell</a>
    <a n="zimbraServiceEnabled">imapproxy</a>

Active Server Sessions With DumpSessionsRequest

Dump login sessions from one server
$ zmsoap -z -t admin -v DumpSessionsRequest
Sending admin auth request to https://localhost:7071/service/admin/soap

<DumpSessionsRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin"/>

<DumpSessionsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin" activeSessions="7">
  <imap activeSessions="2" activeAccounts="2"></imap>
  <admin activeAccounts="1" activeSessions="5"></admin>
Dump login sessions by account
$ zmsoap -z -t admin -v -e DumpSessionsRequest @groupByAccount=1 @listSessions=1
or later versions
$ zmsoap -z -v DumpSessionsRequest @groupByAccount=1 @listSessions=1
Sending admin auth request to https://localhost:7071/service/admin/soap

<DumpSessionsRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin" groupByAccount="1" listSessions="1"/>

<DumpSessionsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin" activeSessions="7">
  <imap activeSessions="2" activeAccounts="2">
    <zid id="cb3136ab-ba07-447e-beeb-82b2b8072d62" name="">
      <s cd="1229081559845" sid="22780" ld="1229110373411">
        <imap dirty="0" folder="INBOX" size="17" writable="1"></imap>
    <zid name="" id="8acfc531-330b-49a3-b722-a0ef06f4f6c7">
      <s sid="22782" ld="1229110667123" cd="1229085464155">
        <imap dirty="0" writable="1" size="6352" folder="INBOX"></imap>
  <admin activeAccounts="1" activeSessions="5">
    <zid name="zimbra" id="e0fafd89-1360-11d9-8661-000a95d98ef2">
      <s ld="1229110825059" cd="1229110825059" sid="32914"></s>
      <s ld="1229110854718" sid="32915" cd="1229110854718"></s>
      <s cd="1229110854745" sid="32916" ld="1229110854745"></s>
      <s cd="1229110876252" sid="32917" ld="1229110876252"></s>
      <s cd="1229110876279" sid="32918" ld="1229110876279"></s>
Dump login sessions from ServerA and ServerB simultaneously
$ echo -e "\nServer A $(date)"; zmsoap -z -t admin DumpSessionsRequest && \
> echo -e "\nServer B $(date)"; zmsoap -z -a admin@zmb.moc -p zimbra -t admin -u https://ubu08.zmb.moc:7071/service/admin/soap/ DumpSessionsRequest

Server A Fri Dec 12 15:02:04 EST 2008

<DumpSessionsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin" activeSessions="7">
  <imap activeAccounts="2" activeSessions="2"></imap>
  <admin activeSessions="5" activeAccounts="1"></admin>

Server B Fri Dec 12 15:02:06 EST 2008

<DumpSessionsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin" activeSessions="6">
  <soap activeSessions="1" activeAccounts="1"></soap>
  <admin activeAccounts="1" activeSessions="5"></admin>


zmsoap -z -v GetSessionsRequest @type=soap @limit=5 @sortBy=accessedAsc

<GetSessionsRequest limit="5" type="soap" sortBy="accessedAsc" xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin"/>
Sending admin auth request to https://localhost:7071/service/admin/soap

<GetSessionsResponse total="2" more="0" xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <s sid="130" cd="1246992233580" ld="1246993445613" zid="36c41d5b-3387-458b-b460-20922649c94d" name=""/>
  <s sid="133" cd="1246992575537" ld="1246993486289" zid="36c41d5b-3387-458b-b460-20922649c94d" name=""/>

Check Account for Licensed Features

Feature attribute can be any one of mapi, mobileSync or iSync.

zmsoap -z -t account -m admin@zmb.moc -e CheckLicenseRequest feature=mapi

CheckLicenseResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAccount" status="ok"></CheckLicenseResponse>

Test GAL Auto-Complete

zmsoap -z AutoCompleteGalRequest @name="name" @domain="" @limit="20" @type="resource"
<AutoCompleteGalResponse more="0" xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <cn id="uid=offline_name,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com">
    <a n="objectClass">organizationalPerson</a>
    <a n="objectClass">zimbraAccount</a>
    <a n="objectClass">amavisAccount</a>
    <a n="objectClass">zimbraCalendarResource</a>
    <a n="modifyTimeStamp">20090306042231Z</a>
    <a n="createTimeStamp">20070225054534Z</a>
    <a n="zimbraId">0c01af4c-5129-40a9-950d-33b46dfe2aac</a>
    <a n="fullName">The Name</a>
    <a n="zimbraCalResType">Equipment</a>
    <a n="email"></a>
    <a n="lastName">Name</a>
  <cn id="uid=\23-name,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com">
    <a n="objectClass">organizationalPerson</a>
    <a n="objectClass">zimbraAccount</a>
    <a n="objectClass">amavisAccount</a>
    <a n="objectClass">zimbraCalendarResource</a>
    <a n="modifyTimeStamp">20080731193821Z</a>
    <a n="createTimeStamp">20080205000649Z</a>
    <a n="zimbraId">d5840b21-a8b6-498d-b2d6-58da0fb0ab35</a>
    <a n="fullName">#-The Name</a>
    <a n="zimbraCalResType">Equipment</a>
    <a n="email"></a>
    <a n="lastName">Name</a>

As a user

zmsoap -a -p thePassword AutoCompleteGalRequest @name="name" @domain="" @limit="20" @type="resource"

Clear mailbox ranking table

zmsoap -z -m user RankingActionRequest/action @op=reset

Collect server stats

The data collected with GetServerStatsRequest corresponds to stats stored in /opt/zimbra/zmstat. See Server_Monitoring for more information on stats collection and chart generation.

All counters
zmsoap -z -t admin GetServerStatsRequest           
<GetServerStatsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <stat name="account_cache_hit_rate">94.11</stat>
  <stat name="account_cache_size">64</stat>
  <stat name="bis_read">0</stat>
  <stat name="bis_seek_rate">0.00</stat>
  <stat name="calcache_hit">0.00</stat>
  <stat name="calcache_lru_size">0.00</stat>
  <stat name="calcache_mem_hit">0.00</stat>
  <stat name="cos_cache_hit_rate">92.38</stat>
Specific counters
zmsoap -z -t admin GetServerStatsRequest/stat @name=heap_used
<GetServerStatsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
  <stat name="heap_used">428914224</stat>


A SearchDirectoryRequest is performed, for example, by the admin console to generate a list of objects for the current view. See /opt/zimbra/docs/soap-admin.txt for more information on SearchDirectoryRequest.


This request queries the directory for all COS objects and returning the cn and description attributes.

zmsoap -z -v SearchDirectoryRequest @offset="0" @limit="25" @sortBy="id" @sortAscending="1" @applyCos="false" @applyConfig="false" @attrs="cn,description" @types="coses" query=""

Currently, there is a zmsoap bug prohibiting the use of LDAP-style query strings on the command line. See bug 61862. Put the XML request in a file in a file if using a query string.


<SearchDirectoryRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin" offset="0" limit="25" sortBy="id" sortAscending="1" applyCos="false" applyConfig="false" attrs="cn,description" types="coses"><query>(|(cn=*default*))</query></SearchDirectoryRequest>
zmsoap -z -f searchdirectory.request
zmsoap -z -v SearchDirectoryRequest @offset="0" @limit="50" @sortBy="zimbraDomainName" @sortAscending="1" @applyCos="false" @applyConfig="false" \
@attrs="description,zimbraDomainName,zimbraDomainStatus,zimbraId,zimbraDomainType" @types="domains" query=""

In the query for accounts, we add maxResults=5000 to tell Java it is ok to ask LDAP for 5000 objects. See Zimbra bugs 60379 and 60382.

zmsoap -z -v SearchDirectoryRequest @offset="0" @limit="25" @sortBy="name" @sortAscending="1" @applyCos="false" @applyConfig="false" \
@attrs="displayName,zimbraId,zimbraAliasTargetId,cn,sn,zimbraMailHost,uid,zimbraCOSId,zimbraAccountStatus,zimbraLastLogonTimestamp, \
description,zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount,zimbraIsAdminAccount,zimbraIsSystemResource,zimbraAuthTokenValidityValue,zimbraMailStatus, \
zimbraIsAdminGroup,zimbraCalResType,zimbraDomainType,zimbraDomainName,zimbraDomainStatus,zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount,zimbraIsAdminAccount,zimbraIsSystemResource" \
@types="accounts" @maxResults="5000" query=""


This request emulates the call made by the ZCO and ZDesktop clients for global address list sync. When issued against a server with a GAL sync account enabled, the result is an id list that can be used by a sync client to fetch contact fields with GetContactsRequest.

zmsoap -vv -m -p thePassword -t account SyncGalRequest @idOnly="true"
      <cn id="59e3f5b1-6b61-4f7e-9166-ba631245d053:108287"/>
      <cn id="59e3f5b1-6b61-4f7e-9166-ba631245d053:108289"/>

59e3f5b1-6b61-4f7e-9166-ba631245d053 represents the zimbraId of the GAL sync account and 108289 represents the id of the contact in the account. is any user account.


A GetContactsRequest may be called by a sync client to resolve ids provided by SyncGalRequest.

zmsoap -vv -m -p thePassword -t mail GetContactsRequest/cn @id="59e3f5b1-6b61-4f7e-9166-ba631245d053:108287"
<GetContactsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraMail">
      <cn id="59e3f5b1-6b61-4f7e-9166-ba631245d053:108287" fileAsStr="Joe User" d="1314293590000" rev="1136194" l="59e3f5b1-6b61-4f7e-9166-ba631245d053:257">
        <a n="createTimeStamp">20110824064557.0Z</a>
        <a n="office">Ocean, LTL0045</a>
        <a n="lastName">User</a>
        <a n="workCity">San Francisco</a>
        <a n="objectClass">top</a>
        <a n="objectClass">person</a>
        <a n="objectClass">organizationalPerson</a>
        <a n="objectClass">user</a>
        <a n="photoFileName">joeuser.jpg</a>
        <a n="workPostalCode">94304</a>
        <a n="email"></a>
        <a n="company">Domain Co.</a>
        <a n="fullName">Joe User</a>
        <a n="workState">CA</a>
        <a n="fileAs">8:Joe User</a>
        <a n="firstName">Joe</a>
        <a n="modifyTimeStamp">20110825155712.0Z</a>
        <a n="notes">Frank's 3rd staff engineer</a>
        <a n="jobTitle">Staff Engineer II</a>


SearchGalRequest is used when searching the GAL or galsync account. See soap.txt for more attributes. The -m flag is the account to use when searching while the name element of the request specifies who to look for in the GAL.

zmsoap -z -t account -m SearchGalRequest @name=mary @type=account

  <cn id="164d87e8-1cee-4d6d-9a14-fcce575b68b6:286" fileAsStr="Mary Jane Watson" d="1253926178000" rev="95" l="257" sf="1253926178000">
    <a n="createTimeStamp">20080513184733Z</a>
    <a n="lastName">Watson</a>
    <a n="workCity">New York</a>
    <a n="zimbraId">5960e2c4-af24-43bc-97c9-016c497b562f</a>
    <a n="objectClass">organizationalPerson</a>
    <a n="objectClass">zimbraAccount</a>
    <a n="objectClass">amavisAccount</a>
    <a n="email"></a>
    <a n="fullName">Mary Jane Watson</a>
    <a n="workPhone">555-555-5555</a>
    <a n="modifyTimeStamp">20090411042723Z</a>
    <a n="fileAs">8:Mary Jane Watson</a>
    <a n="firstName">Mary Jane</a>


zmmailbox uses refined syntax & is the typical admin tool along with zmprov

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration 7.0, 6.0 Date Created: 04/16/2014
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-07-13

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