Zmprov (Provisioning)

Revision as of 20:46, 11 September 2006 by CAH (talk | contribs)

zmprov (Provisioning)

The zmprovtool performs all provisioning tasks in Zimbra LDAP, including creating accounts, aliases, domains, distribution lists, and calendar resources. Each operation is invoked through command-line options, each of which has a long name and a short name.

The syntax for modify can include the prefix "+" or "-" so that you can make changes to the attributes affected and do not need to reenter attributes that are not changing. Use + to add a new instance of the specified attribute name without changing any existing attributes. Use - to remove a particular instance of an attribute. The syntax is zmprov [cmd] [argument].

The following objects use this syntax:

  • ModifyAccount
  • ModifyDomain
  • ModifyCos
  • ModifyServer
  • ModifyConfig
  • ModifyDistributionList
  • ModifycalendarResource

The following example could add the attribute zimbraZimlet UserProperties with the value 'testing" to user 1 and would not chagne the value of any other instance of that attribute.

zmprov ma user1 +zimbraZimletUserProperties testing

Short Name

Long Name

Syntax, Example, and Notes



display usage



use file as input stream

> -s


{host}[:{port}] server hostname and optional port



provision via LDAP instead of SOAP


--account {name}

account name to auth as


--password {pass}

password for account


--passfile {file}

read password from file



use zimbra admin name/password from localconfig for admin/password



verbose mode (dumps full exception stack trace)



debug mode (dumps SOAP messages)

The commands in the following table are divided into the following tasks types - Account, Calendar Resources, Config, COS, Distribution List, Documents, Domain, Server, and Miscellaneous.


  • Create one account with a password that is assigned to the default COS.
zmprov ca password
  • Create one account with a password that is assigned to a specified COS. You must know the COS ID number. To find a COS ID, type gc <COSname>.
zmprov ca password zimbraCOS cosIDnumberstring
  • Create one account when the password is not authenticated internally.
zmprov ca ‘’

The empty single quote is required and indicates that there is no local password.

  • Use a batch process to create accounts, see Managing the Zimbra Collaboration Suite chapter for the procedure.
  • Add an alias to an account.
zmprov aaa
  • Create distribution list. The ID of the distribution list is returned.
zmprov cdl
  • Add a member to a distribution list. Tip: You can add multiple members to a list from the administration console.
zmprov adlm
  • Change the administrator’s password. Use this command to change any password. Enter the address of the password to be changed.
zmprov sp password
  • Create a domain that authenticates against Zimbra OpenLDAP.
zmprov cd zimbraAuthMech zimbra
  • Set the default domain.
zmprov mcf zimbraDefaultDomain
  • To list all COSs and their attribute values.
zmprov gac -v
  • To list all COSs and their attribute values.
zmprov gaa
  • To list all user accounts and their configurations
zmprov gaa -v
  • To enable logger on a single server
zmprov +zimbraServiceEnabled logger

Then type zmloggerctl start, to start the logger.

  • Modify zimbraNewMailNotification to customize the notification email template. A default email is sent from Postmaster notifying users that they have received mail in another mailbox. To change the template, you modify the receiving mailbox account. The variables are

You can specify which of the above variables appear in the Subject, From, or Body of the email. The following example is changing the appearance of the message in the body of the notification email that is received at You can also change the template in a class of service, use zmprov mc. The command is written on one line.

zmprov ma zimbraNewMailNotificationBody ‘Important message from ${SENDER_ADDRESS}.${NEWLINE}Subject:${SUBJECT}’
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