Zimlet Configuration File

Zimlet Configuration File

   KB 2973        Last updated on 2015-07-13  

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The Zimlet configuration file specifies a template for Zimlet configuration. It's name is should be hard-coded to config_template.xml. There are two sections to this file: a section for global configuration, and a section for per host configuration.

The configuration properties may be accessed within the Zimlet definition file as follows:

<zimletConfig name=”com_acme_Maps” version=”1.0”>
             <property name=”defaultToGoogle”></property>
             <property name="allowedDomains">*.google.com</property>
        <host name="">         
             <property name=”googleApi”></property>
             <property name=”geocodeUser”></property>
             <property name=”geocodePass”></property>

The properties defined in the configuration file may be accessed within the Zimlet definition file as follows:

  • ${config.global.propertyName} - Accesses a global property. For example, the global property defaultToGoogle would be accessed as: ${config.global.defaultToGoogle}
  • ${config.host.propertyName} - Access a host specific property. For example, the host property googleApi would be accessed by ${config.host.googleApi}

Configuration properties are also available to Zimlet JavaScript code via Zimlet classes getConfigProperty method.

Verified Against: Date Created: 7/28/2009
Article ID: https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Zimlet_Configuration_File Date Modified: 2015-07-13

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