Zimbra with Apache using mod jk - mod proxy - mod proxy ajp

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I am no expert at either Linux, Programming or anything whatsoever. I cannot guarantee that this will work for you. If it doesn't please don't blame me. If you think I misunderstood something or I am wrong in some place or even all places, please try to improve on this and be helpful to others.


Firstly, thanks to everyone at the Forums for posting about their problems and efforts in trying to run Zimbra with Apache using mod_jk. And thanks to the original Using_Tomcat_with_Apache_(mod_jk) entry (a lot has been borrowed from it). This how-to is a result of their efforts.

What you want to do?

You want to access Zimbra at http://your.domain.com/zimbra/ which is currently accessible at http://your.domain.com:8080/

Note: The port could be 8080 or 6080 or any other. This is the port you have used to onfigure Zimbra's Web UI. Zimbra asked you a question regarding this when you installed it.

How to do that?

There are 2 ways: 1. Use Apache's module called "mod_proxy" 2. Use Apache's module called "mod_jk"

Which way is better?

Honestly, I don't know which one's better. But, I do know that:

1. If you use "mod_proxy", content from http://your.domain.com:8080/ is proxied to http://your.domain.com/somefolder/. It takes only a few lines and a few seconds to configure this. All you need to edit is one file: httpd.conf . The disbenefit of this method is that, you need to secure your Proxy. Securing Proxy implies that you need to explicitly specify access controls. Only those domains & IP Addresses which have been explicitly allowed by you will be able to access this proxied content. So, what would you do if you were on move or your ISP provides a dynamic IP address? If your ISP gives you a dynamic IP address, Dyndns.org would be one way to go. But, IMHO, that's not a good practice at all. You need to have some other way to do this.

FYI, here is the snippet from my httpd.conf for using "mod_proxy":

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyRequests On

<Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
    Allow from
    Allow from localhost
    Allow from your.domain.com
# this list goes on and on
# OR, you can simply comment out this entire access control block
# You won't if you have ever heard of Distributed Denial of Service attacks!

<Location "/service">

<Location "/zimbra">

ProxyVia On


2. If you use "mod_jk". It is cool! If it would not be, I would not be writing this.

How To

My setup of Zimbra

  • CentOS 4.3
  • Zimbra Open Source 4.0.0 RC1
  • Pentium 4 2.8 GHz Processor, 1 GB Memory

Pre-requisites, Assumptions, et al.

  1. I am assuming that you already have a fully functional instance of Zimbra running on your system.
  2. I had Zimbra running on port 6080. So, I will use 6080 to refer to the port Zimbra runs on.
  3. I have still not experimented with https, which I will do once I finish writing this How-to and post the results here. But, I am pretty confident that it will work.

How it works

What does Tomcat or any web server or any server generally do? It binds to some port and waits for requests and when it receives them, it serves them. In this case, too, we are going to do the same. We will bind Tomcat to listen to port 8009 and we will ask Apache to send request to this port when it itself receives request for serving Zimbra. So, port 8009 will be their point of communication. The module "mod_jk" allows Apache to communicate via a protocol called "AJP 1.3", which, Tomcat already understands.

Now that both of them know Japanese - (Master mod_jk taught Mr. Apache to speak and understand it) they decide to meet at Miss Tomcat's place!


(I am not repeating what the docs already say somewhere - this is just to make it work)

  • Download mod_jk from here
  • Uncompress the archive and follow the instructions in the doc directory for installing it.
  • Once "mod_jk" is installed, create a file called /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties and dump in the following text:
# Zimbra worker
  • Create a file called /etc/httpd/conf.d/tomcat.conf and dump in the following text:
# Load mod_jk module
# Update this path to match your modules location
LoadModule      jk_module       modules/mod_jk.so
# Declare the module for <IfModule directive> (remove this line on Apache 2.x)
# AddModule     mod_jk.c

# Where to find workers.properties
# Update this path to match your conf directory location (put workers.properties next to httpd.conf)
JkWorkersFile           /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties

# Where to put jk logs
# Update this path to match your logs directory location (put mod_jk.log next to access_log)
JkLogFile               /etc/httpd/logs/mod_jk.log
# Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
JkLogLevel              info
# Select the log format
JkLogStampFormat        "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "

# JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
JkOptions       +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat       -ForwardDirectories

# JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
JkRequestLogFormat      "%w %V %T"

# Send everything for context /examples to worker named zimbra (ajp13)
JkMount         /zimbra         zimbra
JkMount         /zimbra/        zimbra
JkMount         /zimbra/*       zimbra
JkMount         /service        zimbra
JkMount         /service/       zimbra
JkMount         /service/*      zimbra
JkMount         /zimbraAdmin    zimbra
JkMount         /zimbraAdmin/   zimbra
JkMount         /zimbraAdmin/*  zimbra
  • Edit /opt/zimbra/tomcat/conf/server.xml and /opt/zimbra/tomcat/conf/server.xml.in and add the following:
<!-- for mod_jk -->
<Connector port="8009" acceptCount="1024" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="6443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
<!-- for mod_jk -->

just before:

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">

Note: The port 6443 mentioned above as redirectPort="6443" is the same that you see in the HTTP section in server.xml file. In my server.xml file it looks like this:

<!-- HTTPBEGIN -->
<Connector port="6080"
        enableLookups="false" redirectPort="6443"
        maxThreads="100" minSpareThreads="100" maxSpareThreads="100"/>
<!-- HTTPEND -->
  • Restart Tomcat
tomcat stop
tomcat start
  • Now, if you try to visit http://your.domain.com/zimbra the Zimbra log-in screen should appear. If it does not appear please re-check everything again. Perhaps, some of the paths I mentioned above are not the same on your system. Please change them accordingly.
  • Once the Zimbra log-in screen appears, try to log-in. Most probably you will get some service error. If you can log-in you are done! You need not read ahead. If you can't log-in, please check that in the files /opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/service/WEB-INF/web.xml and /opt/zimbra/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/conf/service.web.xml.in you have ports 80 and 443 mentioned in all instances where code such as following appears:
      <param-value>80, 443, 6080, 6443, 7070, 7443, 7071</param-value>
  • Restart Tomcat.
  • Done!
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