Zimbra Releases/8.8.6

Zimbra Collaboration 8.8.6 GA Release

Check out the "Fixed Issues" and "Known Issues" for this version of Zimbra Collaboration below. As always, you’re encouraged to tell us what you think in the Forums, or file a bug in Bugzilla.

NOTE: If you are upgrading and/or migrating from an older version of Zimbra to Zimbra 8.8 Production Ready, please read "Things to Know Before Upgrading" and "First Steps with the Zimbra NG Modules" for critical information before you upgrade.

If interested, please see a complete list of changes in this release in the next Table, for a detailed Bugzilla list, please use this report

To upgrade to version 8.8.6 from ZCS 7.2.x or later, please check our upgrade documentation.

For supported operating systems and browsers please check our supported systems documentation.

What's New


Security Fixes


Fixed Issues

102036 Bug 102036 - Persistent XSS - chat display name [CWE-79]
108435 service.UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT exceptions observed in mailbox log after upgrade from 8710 to 880
108213 APPEND command of remote IMAP ignores zimbraMtaMaxMessageSize
108204 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException in imapd.log
108726 zimbraNetworkModulesNG | 880_1753 | few popup & buttons names are incorrect
108205 RECENT count is not updated when opening new session on remote IMAP - when have single upstream IMAP server
108200 Login fails after ChangePasswordRequest for remote IMAP server
108727 networkModulesNG -backup | operationId should be shown on informational popup to monitor activity
108728 zextras adminguide github document needs to be updated for 'doAddDelegationSettings', 'doRemoveDelegationSettings ' and 'doEditDelegationSettings' command description
108729 zextras delegated admin cannot see 'View Mail' option even if it has Delagated Auth right granted
108730 8.8 - Logout causes error with chat
96679 Auto accept response from resource shows html formatting for original invite content
100977 MacOutlook: Organiser receives HTML tags in declination mail sent from MacOutlook invitee.
108732 Under Preferences->Sharing, Share dropdown shows 'briefcase' even if briefcase feature is disabled
108733 Beta IMAP feature set as default installation on all upgrades.
108734 Multi server environment - Not able to enable NG MobileSync on 2nd server using Admin console
108735 Issue with Zextra_Notifications Dialog
108736 NG backup: Throwing error while initializing backup
108578 NG ActiveSync: Meeting deleted from ZWC of attendee with no notification to organiser does not sync to device
108737 NetworkModulesNG -backup | incorrect warning msg on popup of 'disable backup on COS
108738 NetworkModulesNG -backup | backup preferences section under particular account doesn't display backup info
108577 NG ActiveSync: Tentatively accepting a meeting from ZWC does not sync to device
108739 NG MobileSync | Can't sync shared folder to mobile devices when granter and grantee's mailbox are on different server via NG Modules (multi-node setup)
108634 NetworkModulesNG -mobile | no documentation to enable mobileNG module(in case customer upgraded from legacy to NG version)
108646 Mailstore should not be listed if NG modules are not installed.
108633 NetworkModulesNG | Displayed Attribute Names and their description in the admin console are not correct
108740 Few attribute description is not provided in NG modules
108741 Can not unset current volume in NG HSM
108742 NetworkModulesNG -backup | Import/export/Restore wizard wiki links are blank
84743 NG ActiveSync: Birthday/Anniversary added from device syncs incorrect year on server
105211 NG ActiveSync: Birthday/Anniversary created from device shifts one day back on server
108743 NG -backup | no documentation/usage for getServices, doBackupLDAP, doRestartService, doRestoreBlobs
108640 Update domailboxmove to verify proper migration before deleting data

Known Issues



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Quick note: Open Source repo

Downloading and building our Zimbra Code? Keep reading... Starting ZCS 8.7.6 and above we have a new steps to download, build and see our code from Github:

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