Zimbra Releases/8.8.15/P21

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Zimbra Collaboration Joule 8.8.15 Patch 21 GA Release

Check out the Security Fixes, What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues for this version of Zimbra Collaboration. Please refer to the Patch Installation section for Patch Installation instructions. As always, you are encouraged to tell us what you think in the Forums or open a support ticket to report issues.

NOTE: If you are upgrading or migrating from an older version of Zimbra to Zimbra 8.8 Production Ready, please read Things to Know Before Upgrading and First Steps with the Zimbra NG Modules for critical information before you upgrade.

Security Fixes

Summary CVE-ID CVSS Score Zimbra Rating Fix Patch Version
Upgraded ClamAV to 102.4 to avoid multiple vulnerabilities. CVE-2020-3327 CVE-2020-3341 7.5 High 8.8.15 P21
An OpenSSL TLS server may crash if sent a maliciously crafted renegotiation ClientHello message from a client. CVE-2021-3449 5.9 Medium 8.8.15 P21

What's New

NOTE: Beta features are not supported and should not be installed on production systems. Beta modules have been provided for evaluation in lab environments only.

Zimbra Video Server (BETA)

  • The Video Server (BETA) is a WebRTC stream aggregator that improves Zimbra Connect's performance by merging and decoding/re-encoding all streams in a meeting. Refer to the admin guide for instructions on installing the Video Server on the systems.

We are nearing the end of our extensive QA cycle for these package upgrades. Watch for the GA announcement in an upcoming patch release.

Announcing GA

The following packages were announced GA in Joule 8.8.15 Patch 20:

  • OpenSSL 1.1.1h support for TLS 1.3.
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1h with FIPS module support.
  • Postfix 3.5.6 support for TLSv1.3
  • Nginx 1.19.0 support for TLSv1.3

Enabling TLS 1.3

The administrator will have to execute separate steps for enabling TLS 1.3 on Zimbra Proxy (Nginx) and Zimbra Mailstore.

Execute the following steps on Zimbra Proxy (Nginx)

Execute these commands as zimbra user

  • View the existing zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols:
$ zmprov gcf zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1.1
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1.2
  • Add TLSv1.3 to existing zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols.
$ zmprov mcf +zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols TLSv1.3
  • Verify TLSv1.3 is added to zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols.
$ zmprov gcf zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1.1
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1.2
zimbraReverseProxySSLProtocols: TLSv1.3
  • View existing cipher's in zimbraReverseProxySSLCiphers.
$ zmprov gcf zimbraReverseProxySSLCiphers
  • Add TLSv1.3 cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 to existing zimbraReverseProxySSLCiphers.
  • Restart Zimbra Proxy service:
$ zmproxyctl restart 

Execute the following steps on Zimbra Mailstore

Execute these commands as zimbra user

  • Get your current mailboxd_java_options:
$ zmlocalconfig mailboxd_java_options
mailboxd_java_options = -server -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=${networkaddress_cache_ttl} -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=15 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=45 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -verbose:gc -Xlog:gc*=info,safepoint=info:file=/opt/zimbra/log/gc.log:time:filecount=20,filesize=10m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true'

Add the TLSv1.3 to https.protocols and tls.client.protocols:

$ zmlocalconfig -e mailboxd_java_options='-server -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=${networkaddress_cache_ttl} -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=15 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=45 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -verbose:gc -Xlog:gc*=info,safepoint=info:file=/opt/zimbra/log/gc.log:time:filecount=20,filesize=10m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true'
  • Restart Zimbra Mailbox service:
$ zmmailboxdctl restart

FIPS Support

FIPS support is now available with OpenSSL 1.1.1h version. After upgrading the OpenSSL package on the Zimbra server, please refer to the below guide for enabling FIPS as per your Operating System:

Set below configurations on your Zimbra Server after FIPS is enabled on your Operating System:

Execute these commands as zimbra user

$ zmlocalconfig -e ldap_starttls_supported=0
$ postconf -e "lmtp_tls_fingerprint_digest = sha256"
  • Restart Zimbra services:
$ zmcontrol restart

Deprecation of Zimbra Server on Ubuntu 14.04, Oracle Linux 6 and CentOS/RHEL 6

With a number of supported operating systems entering the end of life, Zimbra will deprecate all Zimbra versions for Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 6, Redhat 6 and Oracle 6 as of July 31, 2021. At this date, there will no longer be any patch release for 8.8.15 and 9.0.0 on these operating systems.

  • Ubuntu 14.04 end of life occurred on April 30, 2019
  • CentOS and RHEL 6 end of life occurred on November 30, 2020
  • Oracle 6 End of life occurred on October 2020

After July 31, 2021, Zimbra Support will provide best-effort support for the last patch release on the listed operating systems. However, any known or existing bugs will not be addressed and Zimbra Support encourages all customers to follow our recommended upgrade path to a supported OS version at your earliest convenience to ensure no interruption in your support services.

For more information about the direction Zimbra is taking with supporting future operating systems please check our blog.

For questions or guidance with upgrading your operating system please open a support case and our Support team is here to assist you.


  • User can now set shared writable calendars as their default. All new events created will be saved in that calendar folder by default.


  • ZCO now supports separate controls to configure purging of Mail Items and Tasks. Please refer to the user guide for more details
  • Through the Hierarchical Address Book dialog, the user can now pick recipients from the lists and proceed to email/meeting compose windows.

Fixed Issues

Web UX - Classic

  • User can now set shared writable calendars as their default. All new events created will be saved in that calendar folder by default.
  • We had a bug where in some conditions the wrong appointment name was being displayed when the user was deleting a single event in a series. This is fixed now.


  • Remote SSH was not working with an older version of OpenSSH. Which caused some backup failure or mail queue updates not happening on Admin Console etc. This issue has been fixed.
  • We have updated the Timezone definitions in the product to the latest as defined by IANA. This takes care of some of the missing time zones.
  • Zimbra Server was using *ganymed-ssh2-build210* ssh client which supports few Kex algorithms (diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1). Due to this, customers who configured Kex algorithm apart from the supported ones by *ganymed-ssh2-build210* ssh client faced an issue with few Zimbra services (Backup, Mailqueue, etc). The ssh client has been upgraded to *Apache MINA SSHD* which supports all Kex algorithms.

Zimbra Connect

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the calls in rooms to be started if these rooms are on a different server than the user’s.
  • Fixed error with multi version cluster. Exception is thrown when a user on a server using APIv9 create a conversation with a user on a server using APIv10
  • Added papyrous as conversation background image
  • When mailbox move is performed, even mute conversation info will be moved
  • Added copy functionality on bubble contextual menu
  • Added a new button on mini-chat header that allows you to direct to the related conversation on the Team tab
  • Added a new button on conversation header that allows you to direct to the related mini-chat.
  • Added a new button on mini-chat header that allows you to call the other member/members who are part of the conversation.
  • Removed notifications for messages from badge for channels and spaces in case someone joins, left or has been kicked out from a channel or space, only if these messages were received during the session.
  • Now, when the user clicks on the "chats" tab after filtering the chat list, the filter is reset
  • If the connection with the server is lost while writing, the "is writing" notification will remain until logout. Now this has been fixed.
  • Stream components are more visible thanks to its margin.
  • It is now possible to mute the conversations, groups and spaces to avoid notifications.
  • Added mute notifications button in one to one conversations, groups, spaces.
  • Improved Instant Meeting UI.
  • The video server installer has been updated in order to avoid some corner cases that could cause the installation to fail.
  • Multiple VideoServers can now be used in Connect.
  • An error was encountered with Video Server when IPv6 was not enabled on the system. The issue has been fixed.

Zimbra Docs

  • Will show Popup error if a user clicks on preferences before complete Docs zimlet load

Zimbra Drive

  • Now it is possible to save into Drive attachments that have a single quote in the name

Zimbra Network Modules NG

  • Fixed a bug in Zextras that prevented the correct output from being displayed if no operations were running

NG Backup

  • The display of the config status has been improved
  • Fixed the check if backup is migrated on a new bucket with the same credentials by fixing the creation of backup volume directly from migrate/set command
  • Fixed issue that prevented restoring older deleted account when backup contains multiple accounts with the same name.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented to complete the purge operation if third party backup on S3 is enabled
  • Now, using NG backup with the undelete command is possible to restore deleted items in their original folder
  • Now, by default, the chat backup has been disabled.
  • Now the CLI accepts the account’s name or the account’s id as parameter.
  • Fixed and added more info to restore blobs command for notifications.

NG Mobile

  • When composing a new mail via EAS device, autocomplete on recipient address will search in local contact, GAL, or shared contacts, honoring Zimbra contacts settings (zimbraPrefSharedAddrBookAutoCompleteEnabled, A_zimbraPrefGalAutoCompleteEnabled)
  • Fixed a bug in mobile that prevented attachments to be downloaded from emails in shared folders.


  • Fixed a bug that doesn’t retry failed deletions on the local file system.
  • Fixed a bug that wrongly displayed the logs for mailbox purge command.

Known Issues

  • None

Patch Installation

Please refer to the steps below to install 8.8.15 Patch 21 on Redhat and Ubuntu platforms:

Before Installing the Patch, consider the following:

  • Patches are cumulative.
  • A full backup should be performed before any patch is applied. There is no automated roll-back.
  • Zimlet patches can include removing existing Zimlets and redeploying the patched Zimlet.
  • Only files or Zimlets associated with installed packages will be installed from the patch.
  • Switch to zimbra user before using ZCS CLI commands.
  • Important! You cannot revert to the previous ZCS release after you upgrade to the patch.
  • Important! Please note that the install process has changed. Additional steps to install zimbra-common-core-jar, zimbra-common-core-libs, zimbra-mbox-store-libs packages have been included for this patch release. Please refer to the Patch Installation section to install the packages in its order.

8.8.15 Patch 21 Packages

The package lineup for this release is:


PackageName                     Version           
zimbra-patch                  ->
zimbra-common-core-jar        ->
zimbra-common-core-libs       ->
zimbra-mbox-conf              ->
zimbra-mbox-service           ->
zimbra-mbox-store-libs        ->
zimbra-mbox-war               ->
zimbra-mbox-admin-console-war ->
zimbra-mbox-webclient-war     ->
zimbra-drive                  ->
zimbra-common-core-components ->      2.0.9-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-openjdk                ->      13.0.1-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-openssl                ->      1.1.1k-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-chat                   ->
zimbra-proxy-patch            ->
zimbra-mta-patch              ->
zimbra-ldap-components        ->      1.0.9-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-clamav                 ->      0.103.2-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-perl-mail-spamassassin ->      3.4.5-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-spamassassin-rules     ->      1.0.0-1zimbra8.8b4
zimbra-nginx                  ->      1.19.0-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-openldap-server        ->      2.4.49-1zimbra8.8b4
zimbra-mta-components         ->      1.0.13-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-proxy-components       ->      1.0.8-1zimbra8.8b1


Package Name                    Version           
zimbra-patch                  ->
zimbra-mbox-ews-service       ->
zimbra-drive-ng               ->
zimbra-network-modules-ng     ->
zimbra-docs                   ->
zimbra-connect                ->
zimbra-zco                    ->
zimbra-zimlet-auth            ->


Installing Zimbra packages with system package upgrades

  • As root, first clear the yum cache and check for updates so the server sees there is a new zimbra-patch package in the patch repository:
yum clean metadata
yum check-update
  • On mailstore node, install the following packages:
yum install zimbra-common-core-jar zimbra-common-core-libs zimbra-mbox-store-libs
  • Then ask yum to update available packages:
yum update
  • Restart ZCS as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart

Installing Zimbra packages individually for NETWORK and FOSS

Upgrade OpenLDAP on LDAP node

  • As root, install the package:
yum install zimbra-ldap-patch
  • Restart ZCS as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-proxy-patch on Proxy node

  • As root, first clear the yum cache and check for updates so the server sees all updated packages in the patch repository:
yum clean metadata
yum check-update
yum install zimbra-proxy-patch
  • Restart proxy as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmproxyctl restart
zmmemcachedctl restart

Install/Upgrade snmp if it is installed on Proxy node

yum install zimbra-snmp-components
  • Restart proxy as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmproxyctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-mta-components on MTA node

  • As root, first clear the yum cache and check for updates so the server sees all updated packages in the patch repository:
yum clean metadata
yum check-update
  • Then install the package:
yum install zimbra-mta-components
  • If dnscache is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
yum install zimbra-dnscache-components
  • If snmp is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
yum install zimbra-snmp-components
  • Restart amavisd as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmamavisdctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-mta-patch on MTA node

  • As root, install the package:
yum install zimbra-mta-patch
  • Restart amavisd as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmamavisdctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-patch on mailstore node

  • As root, install the package:
yum install zimbra-common-core-jar zimbra-common-core-libs zimbra-mbox-store-libs
yum install zimbra-patch
  • If apache is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
yum install zimbra-apache-components
  • If spell is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
yum install zimbra-spell-components
  • If snmp is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
yum install zimbra-snmp-components
  • Restart ZCS as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart

Installing NG packages (NETWORK Only)

Uninstall zimbra-talk on mailstore node

Starting Zimbra 8.8.15 GA, zimbra-connect replaces zimbra-talk. Hence, it is important to remove zimbra-talk before installing zimbra-connect.

  • As root, uninstall the package zimbra-talk:
yum remove zimbra-talk

Install/Upgrade zimbra-network-modules-ng, zimbra-connect, zimbra-zimlet-auth, zimbra-docs and zimbra-drive-ng on mailstore node

yum install zimbra-network-modules-ng
yum install zimbra-connect
yum install zimbra-zimlet-auth
yum install zimbra-docs
yum install zimbra-drive-ng
  • Restart Zimbra mailbox service as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmmailboxdctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-chat for FOSS

  • As root, install the package:
yum install zimbra-chat
  • Restart Zimbra mailbox service as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmmailboxdctl restart


Installing zimbra packages with system package upgrades

  • As root, check for updates so the server checks there is a new zimbra-patch package in the patch repository:
apt-get update
  • On mailstore node, install the following packages:
apt-get install zimbra-common-core-jar zimbra-common-core-libs zimbra-mbox-store-libs
  • Then update available packages:
apt-get upgrade
  • Restart ZCS as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart

Installing zimbra packages individually for NETWORK and FOSS

Upgrade OpenLDAP on LDAP node

  • As root, install the package:
apt-get install zimbra-ldap-patch
  • Restart ZCS as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-proxy-patch on Proxy node

  • As root, install package
apt-get install zimbra-proxy-patch
  • Restart proxy as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmproxyctl restart
zmmemcachedctl restart

Install/Upgrade snmp if it is installed on Proxy node

apt-get install zimbra-snmp-components
  • Restart proxy as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmproxyctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-mta-components on MTA node

  • As root, install package
apt-get install zimbra-mta-components
  • If snmp is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
apt-get install zimbra-snmp-components
  • Restart amavisd as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmamavisdctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-mta-patch on MTA node

  • As root, install package
apt-get install zimbra-mta-patch
  • If dnscache is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
apt-get install zimbra-dnscache-components
  • Restart amavisd as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmamavisdctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-patch on mailstore node

  • As root, check for updates and install package:
apt-get update
apt-get install zimbra-common-core-jar zimbra-common-core-libs zimbra-mbox-store-libs
apt-get install zimbra-patch
  • If apache is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
apt-get install zimbra-apache-components
  • If spell is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
apt-get install zimbra-spell-components
  • If snmp is installed, upgrade the package before restarting the services:
apt-get install zimbra-snmp-components
  • Restart ZCS as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart

Installing NG packages (NETWORK Only)

Uninstall zimbra-talk on mailstore node

Starting Zimbra 8.8.15 GA, zimbra-connect replaces zimbra-talk. Hence, it is important to remove zimbra-talk before installing zimbra-connect.

  • As root, uninstall the package zimbra-talk:
apt-get remove zimbra-talk

Install/Upgrade zimbra-network-modules-ng, zimbra-connect, zimbra-zimlet-auth, zimbra-docs, zimbra-drive-ng on mailstore node

  • As root, check for updates and install packages:
apt-get update
apt-get install zimbra-network-modules-ng
apt-get install zimbra-connect
apt-get install zimbra-zimlet-auth
apt-get install zimbra-docs
apt-get install zimbra-drive-ng
  • Restart Zimbra mailbox service as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmmailboxdctl restart

Install/Upgrade zimbra-chat for FOSS

  • As root, install package:
apt-get install zimbra-chat
  • Restart Zimbra mailbox service as zimbra user:
su - zimbra
zmmailboxdctl restart

Upgraded 3rd Party Packages

  • OpenSSL and Postfix TLS 1.3 GA Packages

The packages for RHEL6, RHEL7, UBUNTU14, UBUNTU16, UBUNTU18 are:

Package Name      Version
zimbra-openssl : 1.1.1h-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-postfix : 3.5.6-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-nginx : 1.19.0-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-mariadb : 10.1.25-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-heimdal : 1.5.3-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-curl : 7.49.1-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-net-ssleay : 1.88-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-unbound : 1.11.0-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-apr-util : 1.6.1-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-perl-dbd-mysql : 4.050-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-net-snmp : 5.8-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-perl-crypt-openssl-random : 0.11-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-crypt-openssl-rsa : 0.31-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-cyrus-sasl : 2.1.26-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-openldap : 2.4.49-1zimbra8.8b4
zimbra-opendkim : 2.10.3-1zimbra8.7b5
zimbra-clamav : 0.102.2-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-perl-io-socket-ssl : 2.068-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-perl-net-http : 6.09-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-libwww : 6.13-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-lwp-protocol-https : 6.06-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-xml-parser : 2.44-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-soap-lite : 1.19-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-xml-sax-expat : 0.51-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-xml-simple : 2.25-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-perl-mail-dkim : 0.40-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-mail-spamassassin : 3.4.4-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-spamassassin-rules : 1.0.0-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-perl-innotop : 1.9.1-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-httpd : 2.4.46-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-php : 7.3.25-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-postfix-logwatch : 1.40.03-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-perl : 1.0.5-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-dnscache-components : 1.0.2-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-apache-components : 2.0.4-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-spell-components : 2.0.4-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-snmp-components : 1.0.3-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-mta-components : 1.0.11-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-core-components : 2.0.7-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-proxy-components : 1.0.8-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-store-components : 1.0.3-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-ldap-components : 1.0.6-1zimbra8.8b1
  • OpenSSL and Postfix TLS 1.3 Packages

The GA packages for RHEL8 are:

Package Name      Version
zimbra-openssl : 1.1.1h-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-postfix : 3.5.6-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-nginx : 1.19.0-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-mariadb : 10.1.25-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-heimdal : 1.5.3-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-curl : 7.49.1-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-net-ssleay : 1.88-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-unbound : 1.11.0-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-apr-util : 1.6.1-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-perl-dbd-mysql : 4.050-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-net-snmp : 5.8-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-crypt-openssl-random : 0.11-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-crypt-openssl-rsa : 0.31-1zimbra8.7b2
zimbra-cyrus-sasl : 2.1.26-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-openldap : 2.4.49-1zimbra8.8b4
zimbra-opendkim : 2.10.3-1zimbra8.7b5
zimbra-clamav : 0.102.2-1zimbra8.8b3
zimbra-perl-io-socket-ssl : 2.068-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-net-http : 6.09-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-perl-libwww : 6.13-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-perl-lwp-protocol-https : 6.06-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-perl-xml-parser : 2.44-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-perl-soap-lite : 1.19-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-perl-xml-sax-expat : 0.51-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-perl-xml-simple : 2.25-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-mail-dkim : 0.40-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl-mail-spamassassin : 3.4.4-1zimbra8.8b4
zimbra-spamassassin-rules : 1.0.0-1zimbra8.8b4
zimbra-perl-innotop : 1.9.1-1zimbra8.7b4
zimbra-httpd : 2.4.46-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-php : 7.3.25-1zimbra8.7b3
zimbra-perl : 1.0.6-1zimbra8.7b1 
zimbra-dnscache-components : 1.0.2-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-apache-components : 2.0.4-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-spell-components : 2.0.4-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-snmp-components : 1.0.3-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-mta-components : 1.0.11-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-core-components : 2.0.7-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-proxy-components : 1.0.8-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-store-components : 1.0.3-1zimbra8.7b1
zimbra-ldap-components : 1.0.6-1zimbra8.8b1

The updated GA packages are:

Package            Old-Version    New-Version
postfix              3.1.1          3.5.6
openssl              1.0.2t         1.1.1h
nginx                1.7.1          1.19.0
postfix-logwatch     1.40.01        1.40.03
io-socket-ssl	     2.020          2.068
xml-simple           2.20           2.25
crypt-openssl-rsa    0.28           0.31
net-snmp             5.7.3          5.8
dbd-mysql            4.033          4.050
apr-util             1.5.4          1.6.1
unbound              1.5.9          1.11.0
net-ssleay           1.72           1.88
  • Nginx TLS 1.3 Packages

The GA packages for RHEL6, RHEL7, RHEL8, UBUNTU14, UBUNTU16, UBUNTU18 are:

PackageName                                       Version
zimbra-nginx                               ->     1.19.0-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-proxy-components                    ->     1.0.6-1zimbra8.8b1
zimbra-proxy-patch                         ->

Quick note: Open Source repo

The steps to download, build, and see our code via Github can be found here: https://github.com/Zimbra/zm-build

Jira Summary

Jira Tickets fixed in 8.8.15 Patch 21

ZCS-10492 Fixed janus calls bug on rooms
ZCS-10491 Error with multi version cluster
ZCS-10490 Add papyrous as conversation background image
ZCS-10488 Mailbox move must handle mute [marco]
ZCS-10487 Added copy in message menu
ZCS-10485 A new button has been added to switch from the mini-chat to the Team tab
ZCS-10484 A new button has been added to switch from the Team tab to the related mini-chat
ZCS-10483 A new button has been added to mini-chat for calls
ZCS-10482 Removed notifications for messages of join, left and kicked type on channels and spaces
ZCS-10481 Chat list filter has been improved
ZCS-10480 Writing notification fixed in conversations
ZCS-10479 Little tiles separation
ZCS-10477 Mute feature for conversations added
ZCS-10476 Mute notifications button added
ZCS-10475 Improved Instant Meeting UI
ZCS-10474 BulkDelete service fixed
ZCS-10472 Fixed logs for mailbox purge command
ZCS-10471 EAS autocomplete honor zimbra contacts autocomplete settings
ZCS-10470 Shared folders file download fixed
ZCS-10469 Special characters in Drive file name fixed
ZCS-10468 Popup error if user clicks on preferences before complete zimlet load
ZCS-10467 The display of the config status has been improved
ZCS-10466 GetAllOperations command has been fixed
ZCS-10465 Backup on external volume has been fixed
ZCS-10464 doRestoreOnNewAccount command has been fixed
ZCS-10463 NullPointerException during purge with third party backup fixed
ZCS-10462 Added a new parameter to undelete command
ZCS-10461 Changed backupChatEnabled attribute default value to false
ZCS-10460 Backup’s CLI doItemRestore accepts parameter in different forms
ZCS-10459 Fixed and added more info to restore blobs command for notification.
ZCS-10374 VideoServer installer improvements
ZCS-10369 Multiple VideoServers can now be used
ZCS-10004 Ability to set shared (write-able) calendar as a default calendar
ZCOMT-2275 Implementation of Purging of Task Items (currently they are part of Mail Items)
ZCOMT-2267 Add functionality to open new email/appointment form from HAB Browser
ZBUG-2198 CVE-2021-3449 OpenSSL TLS
ZBUG-2193 ClamAV needs to be upgraded to 102.4
ZBUG-2191 Patch 20 Causes issue with older versions of ssh
ZBUG-2129 Video server errors out if IPV6 is not enabed
ZBUG-1909 Shared calendars are also showing in Preferences -> Calendar -> Default Calendar
ZBUG-1875 Wrong appointment name when deleting a single appointment from a series.
ZBUG-1870 In Chile America/Santiago timezone appointments are showing 1 hour extra time after creation
ZBUG-722 External SSH hardening not compitable with zimbra
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