Zimbra Releases/8.7.10
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.10 GA Release
Check out the "Fixed Issues" and "Known Issues" for this version of Zimbra Collaboration below. As always, you’re encouraged to tell us what you think in the Forum, or open a support ticket.
If interested, please see a complete list of changes in this release in the next Table, for a detailed Bugzilla list, please use this report
To upgrade to version 8.7.10 from ZCS 7.2.x or later, please check our upgrade documentation.
For supported operating systems and browsers please check our supported systems documentation.
Zimbra Drive early release Minor Improvements | |
Zimbra Chat early release Minor Improvements |
107878 | Persistent XSS - location [CWE-79] |
107885 | Persistent XSS - description [CWE-79] |
107462 | /tmp fills up when spamtraining(zmtrainsa) runs |
107982 | Fix failing unit test in zm-mailbox/store |
107983 | admin related sieve ldap attributes needs to be changed for ModifyFilterRulesRequest and GetFilterRulesRequest |
107984 | Users must login every time browser restarts |
107896 | Regression : test case for bug 65369 fails |
107895 | Regression : Variables not replaced in notify |
107894 | Regression : ModifyOutgoingFilterRulesRequest fails |
107893 | NPE for delete folder action for user account having sieve script |
107985 | Sorting mailbox quota by size in the admin console incorrectly groups users |
107584 | No data under "Download" directory after fresh installation or upgrade |
106921 | Outlook with ZCO 8.7 crashes during sync |
106927 | ZCO support for SyncGalRequest pagination |
107987 | ZCO crashes during GAL sync |
107016 | Outlook pop-up LSMSSP.DLL error after upgrading ZCO from to |
107988 | Default Zimbra profile not getting created on Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 |
106584 | {RULESSVR}ZCO to support addresstest when syncing filters from ZWC |
105981 | Postponed task reminder not closing |
95158 | {RULESSVR}{L10N} DE: Wrong word order in rule "with specific words in the message header" |
107989 | Disable the 'recall' button in Outlook |
107224 | An error encountered while modifying server rule in ZCO: “Please specify at least one condition for the rule” |
107990 | Images lost from signatures in ZCO after sync vml tags missing |
107892 | SIEVE: Sieve rule gets applied to all the recipients even if applied to a single recepient |
107897 | UI filter became unusable when the rule contains mix of log,notify function |
107898 | log statement getting removed from sieve script if we move folder or disable/enable Filter rule |
107900 | Existing zimbraMailSieveScript(set from backend) gets overridden if we create filter from UI |
107726 | SMIME | ZCO client | showing invalid signature for "Sign and Encrypted" emails |
107991 | Deleted Items folder appears in all delegated stores |
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