ZCS 6.0:Zimlet Developers Guide:Examples:Simple Dialog with Template

Revision as of 14:26, 30 December 2009 by Sposetti (talk | contribs)
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This zimlet shows-up as a panel item and will display a simple custom dialog on a single or double-click. This example uses a template to create the HTML mark-up for the dialog. The Zimlet Definition File includes the compiled template file Simple.template.js using the <include> element.



Definition File

<zimlet name="com_zimbra_simpledialogtemplate" version="1.0" description="Create a custom dialog using a template.">
    <zimletPanelItem label="Simple Dialog Template Example" icon="zimbraIcon">

Creating the Dialog

Here is snippet from the Zimlet Handler Object (_displayDialog() method) where we create and show the dialog:

  var sDialogTitle = this.getMessage("simpledialog_dialog_title"); // get i18n resource string
  var sStatusMsg = this.getMessage("simpledialog_status_launch"); // get i18n resource string
  this.pView = new DwtComposite(this.getShell()); //creates an empty div as a child of main shell div
  this.pView.setSize("250", "150"); // set width and height
  this.pView.getHtmlElement().style.overflow = "auto"; // adds scrollbar
  this.pView.getHtmlElement().innerHTML = this._createDialogView(); // insert html to the dialogbox
  // pass the title, view & buttons information to create dialog box
  this.pbDialog = new ZmDialog({title:sDialogTitle, view:this.pView, parent:this.getShell(), standardButtons:[DwtDialog.DISMISS_BUTTON]});

  this.pbDialog.setButtonListener(DwtDialog.DISMISS_BUTTON, new AjxListener(this, this._okBtnListener)); 

  this.pbDialog.popup(); //show the dialog

The _createDialogView() method creates the HTML mark-up by getting the template:

 * Creates the dialog view.
com_zimbra_simpledialogtemplateHandlerObject.prototype._createDialogView =
function() {
    var html = AjxTemplate.expand("com_zimbra_simpledialogtemplate.templates.Simple#Main");		
    return html;


Zimlet Package com_zimbra_simpledialogtemplate.zip

Useful Links

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Suite 6.0 Date Created: 12/22/2009
Article ID: https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=ZCS_6.0:Zimlet_Developers_Guide:Examples:Simple_Dialog_with_Template Date Modified: 2009-12-30

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