
Revision as of 16:39, 5 September 2017 by King0770 (talk | contribs)

ZCS 8.8 Article ZCS 8.8

Loss of HSM Volume

Display List of Volumes

zxsuite hsm getallvolumes

If there is an HSM volume at /opt/zimbra/hsm, the listing would look something like this...


                id                                                          1
                name                                                        message1
                path                                                        /opt/zimbra/store
                compressed                                                  false
                threshold                                                   4096
                storeType                                                   LOCAL
                isCurrent                                                   true
                volumeType                                                  primary

                id                                                          3
                name                                                        hsm
                path                                                        /opt/zimbra/hsm
                compressed                                                  false
                threshold                                                   4096
                storeType                                                   LOCAL
                isCurrent                                                   true
                volumeType                                                  secondary

                id                                                          2
                name                                                        index1
                path                                                        /opt/zimbra/index
                compressed                                                  false
                threshold                                                   4096
                storeType                                                   LOCAL
                isCurrent                                                   true
                volumeType                                                  index
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