ZCS88-zxbackup-Disaster-Recovery: Difference between revisions

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You even tried to [https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Mysql_Crash_Recovery export and reimport] the mysql data to no avail.<br>
You even tried to [https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Mysql_Crash_Recovery export and reimport] the mysql data to no avail.<br>
===Stop Zimbra Services===
zmcontrol stop
===Move aside your old mysql directory===
mv /opt/zimbra/db/data/  /opt/zimbra/db/OLD_data/
mkdir /opt/zimbra/db/data/
===Start up mysql in a clean state===
====Import an export mysql retention file if you have one====
If you had exported your mysql data <strong>prior</strong> to the mysql outage...<br>
source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars
mysqldump -u root --password=$mysql_root_password --socket=$mysql_socket --all-databases --single-transaction >> /tmp/mysqlinfo.sql
Then you can simply reimport the data into mysql.<br>
mysql < /tmp/mysqlinfo.sql

===Scenario II: Summary===
===Scenario II: Summary===

Revision as of 02:28, 25 August 2017

ZCS 8.8 Article ZCS 8.8

Scenario I - Single Server

You have been running ZCS-88 using the Next Generation Suite, and you have a dedicated disk for /opt/zimbra/, something like...

xxG  xxxG   xxG  xx% /
tmpfs                /dev/shm
/dev/sda1            /boot
/dev/sda2            /opt/zimbra/

But something has happened to the server node, effecting the operating system, which will require a reinstall of the operating system, and ZCS-88.

Reinstall the Operating System

When you reinstall the operating system, make sure the disk containing /opt/zimbra/ is not mounted yet.

Reinstall ZCS-88 with Next Generation Modules

When you are ready to reinstall ZCS-88, make sure the /opt/zimbra/ is now mounted.

If it's possible, rename your production /opt/zimbra/ directory.

mv /opt/zimbra/    mv /opt/zimbraSAVE/

Now, run the installer as the root user using the software option.

./install.sh -s


./install.sh --software

During the ZCS-88 Software Reinstall

Observe at the end of the software install, you will see the following

Running Post Installation Configuration:

Software Installation complete!

Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.SviTipi8

Now observe, you have two zimbra directories

drwxr-xr-x  30 root root 4096 Aug 24 14:29 zimbra
drwxr-xr-x  30 root root 4096 Aug 17 13:20 zimbraSAVE

Since the software install had created the /opt/zimbra/ directory, lets move it out of the way

mv /opt/zimbra/   /opt/zimbraSOFTWARE_INSTALL/

Now, lets put our production directory back into place

mv /opt/zimbraSAVE/   /opt/zimbra/

After putting your production /opt/zimbra/ directory back into place, switch to the zimbra account, and start Zimbra

su - zimbra
zmcontrol start
Host test3.zextras.local
	Starting ldap...Done.
	Starting zmconfigd...Done.
	Starting logger...Done.
	Starting convertd...Done.
	Starting mailbox...Done.
	Starting memcached...Done.
	Starting proxy...Done.
	Starting amavis...Done.
	Starting antispam...Done.
	Starting antivirus...Done.
	Starting opendkim...Done.
	Starting snmp...Done.
	Starting spell...Done.
	Starting mta...Done.
	Starting stats...Done.
	Starting service webapp...Done.
	Starting zimbra webapp...Done.
	Starting zimbraAdmin webapp...Done.
	Starting zimlet webapp...Done.
	Starting imapd...Done.

Check the status

zmcontrol status
Host test3.zextras.local
	amavis                  Running
	antispam                Running
	antivirus               Running
	convertd                Running
	imapd                   Running
	ldap                    Running
	logger                  Running
	mailbox                 Running
	memcached               Running
	mta                     Running
	opendkim                Running
	proxy                   Running
	service webapp          Running
	snmp                    Running
	spell                   Running
	stats                   Running
	zimbra webapp           Running
	zimbraAdmin webapp      Running
	zimlet webapp           Running
	zmconfigd               Running

Scenario I - Summary

Operating system needed to be installed, moving aside production Zimbra, and doing a software install, and placing production Zimbra directory back into place.

At this point, you should be up and running; however, as an option, you may want to check the user BLOBs, you can refer to this guide.

Scenario II - Single Server with corrupted mysql beyond repair

You have been running ZCS-88 using the Next Generation Suite, and you have just discovered a lot of errors in the /opt/zimbra/mysql_error.log file, and the mysql service is not running

You even tried to export and reimport the mysql data to no avail.

Stop Zimbra Services

zmcontrol stop

Move aside your old mysql directory

mv /opt/zimbra/db/data/   /opt/zimbra/db/OLD_data/

mkdir /opt/zimbra/db/data/

Start up mysql in a clean state


Import an export mysql retention file if you have one

If you had exported your mysql data prior to the mysql outage...

source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars
mysqldump -u root --password=$mysql_root_password --socket=$mysql_socket --all-databases --single-transaction >> /tmp/mysqlinfo.sql

Then you can simply reimport the data into mysql.

mysql < /tmp/mysqlinfo.sql

Scenario II: Summary

Scenario III - Multi Server: Restore LDAP Service

Two Node Setup
Server 1 - LDAP + Proxy + MTA
Server 2 - Mailboxd (User mail store)

If LDAP services are needed to be restored, you can do the following.

Method A

Stop ldap and move the old database aside

ldap stop

mv /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/mdb/db  /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/mdb/OLD_db/

mkdir -p  /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/mdb/db

Copy the backed up ldap data from Server 2

mkdir /tmp/ldap/

scp root@server2.example.com:/opt/zimbra/backup/ldap/ldap_23_08_17#04_01_00.tar.gz  /tmp/ldap/

chown -R zimbra:zimbra /tmp/ldap/

Extract the ldap.ldif file

tar -zxvf ldap_23_08_17#04_01_00.tar.gz ldap.ldif

Restore the ldap-config

cd /tmp/ldap/

tar -zxvf ldap_23_08_17#04_01_00.tar.gz ldap-config.ldif

mv /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config/  /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/OLDconfig/

mkdir /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config/

/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmslapadd -c /tmp/ldap/ldap-config.ldif

Use zmslapadd to add the ldap data

/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmslapadd /tmp/ldap/ldap.ldif

ldap start

Method B

Use zmrestoreldap

List all labels

zmrestoreldap -lbs

**Should see something like...**

Then use zmrestoreldap with the label name to restore the ldap data.

zmrestoreldap -lb full-20170824.050005.077

If ldap is not starting, use the long command to start ldap

sudo /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmslapd -l LOCAL0 -u zimbra -h 'ldap://ldap.example.com:389 ldapi:///' -F /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config -d -4

The bottom portion of the output will usually provide a clue on why ldap is not starting.

Section III: Summary

Method A is to illustrate you can copy the backed up ldap from another node with Next Generation Module installed, extract the ldap data, and manually add ldap back into the ldap service.

Method B is to illustrate the old standard way of restoring ldap service using the zmrestoreldap command.

Next Generation modules are only installed on Zimbra nodes running mailboxd service; and by convention, nodes running mailboxd will need to remove zmbackup from cron.
However, in a multi node setup, Next Generation modules would not be installed on a node running ldap service. Therefore, the zmbackup command can still be in place in cron to save the ldap config.

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