Troubleshooting Course Content Rough Drafts-Zimbra Logs

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Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8.6 Date Created: 01/22/2015
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-02-27

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Log Files

Brief list of the major log files in Zimbra and their significance.

  • /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log - Zimbra Mailboxd (jetty) writes all mailbox activity to this log file. This activity can be anything from moving a message to deletion of an account.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/zmmailboxd.out – Mailboxd(jetty) logs to this file during startup.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/audit.log – Logs authentication activity.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/sync.log – Mobile sync operations get logged to this log file.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/clamd.log – Clamd (Antivirus daemon) logs all antivirus activity to this file.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/freshclam.log – Antivirus definition update.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/mysql_error.log – Mysql errors and startup messages. This log should be looked up to determine if innodb corruption has occurred.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/myslow.log – Consists sql statements which took more than long_query_time seconds (zimbra default – 1second) to execute and required atleast min_examined_row_limit (zimbra default - 0) rows to be examined.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/nginx.access.log - NGINX writes information about client requests after the request is processed.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/nginx.log – Nginx error log which defaults to “info” in Zimbra.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/spamtrain.log – Spam training log.
  • /opt/zimbra/log/ews.log – EWS server side activity.
  • /var/log/zimbra.log – All MTA (Postfix, amavisd, antispam, antivirus,cyrus-sasl)/Ldap logs go to this file.
  • /var/log/zimbra-stats.log – Logger data gets logged to this file.

Log Rotation

Two different log rotation daemons handle log rotation of the zimbra log files.

  • Log4j - Log4j is responsible for logging to mailbox.log, audit.log, sync.log, synctrace.log,webxml.log and ews.log. For config : /opt/zimbra/conf/

Example, below the are the config options for the rotation of /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log

log4j.appender.LOGFILE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p [%t] [%z] %c{1} - %m%n
  • Logrotate.d - The OS daemon logrotate used to rotate other log files.
Config file : /etc/logrotate.d/zimbra 

Files rotated by logrotate : zimbra.log, zimbra-stats.log, myslow.log, zmconfigd.log, zmconfigd.log, clamd.log, freshclam.log, nginx.log, nginx_access.log, cbpolicyd.log and spamtrain.log.

Debug Logging


  • Global debug logging : Doing this will enable debug logging for any log4j property.
Edit - /opt/zimbra/conf/
Restart mailboxd – zmmailboxdctl restart
  • Per user debug logging :
addAccountLogger : zmprov aal zimbra.imap debug
removeAccountLogger : zmprov ral zimbra.imap

To list all possible loggers -

zmprov help log


  • Ldap debug logging – Controlled by “ldap_common_loglevel”, this writes the config ldap attribute "olcLogLevel".

Examples -

 zmlocalconfig –e ldap_common_loglevel=256
 zmlocalconfig –e ldap_common_loglevel=“stats”
 Restart -  ldap stop; ldap start.  

For various log levels please see -


  • Edit /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/
Change - smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
To - smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd –vv

Restart of postfix required

zmmtactl restart

This will write debug postfix logs to /var/log/zimbra.log


  • Amavisd debug logging - Controlled by zimbra attribute "zimbraAmavisLogLevel", which writes value of "$log_level" in file /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf
zmprov ms `zmhostname` "zimbraAmavisLogLevel" 5

This will write debug log to - /var/log/zimbra.log


  • Controlled by zimbra attribute zimbraReverseProxyLogLevel.
zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraReverseProxyLogLevel debug
zmnginxctl restart

It will log a lot, so you can set it back to info at any time:

 zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraReverseProxyLogLevel info

This will write debug logs to /opt/zimbra/log/nginx.log

ZCO Logs

  • For all but the simplest queries, ZCO Dev needs ZCO logs, dumps and event viewer logs. Here's how to gather them:
Disable Windows Search 
start->run->services->Windows Search->Properties->Stop + “Disabled” 
Start Outlook 
Disable Foreign Addins i.e. any addins that dont start with "Zimbra" 
OL2003: Tools->Options->Other->Advanced Options->COM Add-Ins->Remove any addins that don't start  with "Zimbra" 
OL2007: Tools->Trust Center->Add-ins->Manage COM Addins->Go->Untick any addins that don't start with "Zimbra" 
OL2010: File->Options->Add-ins->Manage COM Addins->Go->Untick any addins that don't start with "Zimbra" 
OL2013: as OL2010 
Close Outlook 
  • Empty ZCOLogs Directory (to avoid sending ZCO Dev stale/irrelevant logs)
  • Set Log Settings (using ZCOLogCtl.exe) to the following -
 Click the Default button 
 Max size of single log file : 50Mb 
 Preserve Log File Backups ticked 
 Max Size of ZCOLogs directory UNticked
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