Steps to fix where proxy service not starting

Revision as of 18:12, 20 May 2018 by Ssatam (talk | contribs)

Steps to fix where proxy service not starting


Proxy service not starting and getting NullPointerException with "zmproxyconfgen -v"

[zimbra@ZIMBRA ~]$ zmproxyctl restart
/opt/zimbra/conf/nginx.conf is missing.
Starting nginx...failed. /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx.conf is missing. 


[zimbra@ZIMBRA ~]$ zmproxyctl restart
Stopping proxy...proxy is not running.
Starting proxy...nginx: [emerg] invalid port in "" of the "listen" directive in /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/includes/nginx.conf.mail.imap:7


[zimbra@ZIMBRA ~]$ /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmproxyconfgen -v
[] DEBUG: GET_CONN - millis=[2], usage=[GET_GLOBALCONFIG], conn=[1], connPool=[ZimbraReplica(770947228)]
[] DEBUG: GET_ENTRY - millis=[22], usage=[GET_GLOBALCONFIG], conn=[1], dn=[cn=config,cn=zimbra]
[] DEBUG: REL_CONN - conn=[1]
[] DEBUG: Working Directory: /opt/zimbra
[] DEBUG: Template Directory: /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/templates
[] DEBUG: Config Includes Directory: /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/includes
[] DEBUG: Config File Prefix: nginx.conf
[] DEBUG: Template File Prefix: nginx.conf
[] DEBUG: Building Default Variable Map
[] DEBUG: Loading Attrs in Domain Level
[] DEBUG: GET_CONN - millis=[0], usage=[SEARCH], conn=[1], connPool=[ZimbraReplica(770947228)]
[] DEBUG: SEARCH - millis=[6], resp=[0 (success)], usage=[SEARCH], conn=[1], controls=[Simple Paged Results Control], base=[], filter=[(objectClass=zimbraDomain)]
[] DEBUG: REL_CONN - conn=[1]
[] DEBUG: Updating Default Variable Map
[] DEBUG: GET_CONN - millis=[0], usage=[GET_SERVER], conn=[1], connPool=[ZimbraReplica(770947228)]
[] DEBUG: GET_ENTRY - millis=[1], usage=[GET_SERVER], conn=[1], dn=[cn=SERVER.EXAMPLE.COM,cn=servers,cn=zimbra]
[] DEBUG: REL_CONN - conn=[1]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.zimbra.cs.util.ProxyConfVar.isValidUpstream(
at com.zimbra.cs.util.WebEwsSSLUpstreamServersVar.update(
at com.zimbra.cs.util.ProxyConfGen.updateDefaultVars(
at com.zimbra.cs.util.ProxyConfGen.createConf(
at com.zimbra.cs.util.ProxyConfGen.main(


Proxy and memcached services install but not configured.

1). Check IMAP port settings in global and server level configuration.

$ zmprov -l gacf zimbraImapBindPort zimbraImapProxyBindPort   
$ zmprov -l gs `zmhostname` zimbraImapBindPort zimbraImapProxyBindPort    

2). Configure correct ports on server and global config level if default ports previously changed. .

zmprov -l mcf zimbraImapBindPort 7143 zimbraImapProxyBindPort 143 
zmprov -l ms `zmhostname` zimbraImapBindPort 7143 zimbraImapProxyBindPort 143    
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmproxyconfig -m -w -e -x redirect -H `zmhostname`  
zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServiceHostname MAIL.EXAMPLE.COM                          #Enter FQDN here. 
zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServiceProtocol https
zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServicePort 443   
zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraMailReferMode reverse-proxied  
zmcontrol restart  
zmcontrol status

Verified Against: ZCS 8.8, 8.7, 8.6 Date Created: 2018-05-19
Article ID: Date Modified: 2018-05-20

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