Smime error codes

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SMIME Error Codes

   KB 23193        Last updated on 2018-01-18  

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List of possible error codes during signing

smime.LOAD_CERTIFICATE_FAILED : Failed to load users certificate

smime.MULTIPLE_CERTIFICATES_FOUND : If the certID is not provided in SendSecureMessage request and there are multiple user certificates.

smime.USER_CERT_EXPIRED : Users certificate is expired

smime.USER_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID : Users certificate validity period has not yet started

smime.USER_CERT_REVOKED : Users certificate has been revoked

smime.USER_CERT_NOT_TRUSTED : Users certificate is not trusted by any existing trust anchors

smime.USER_CERT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_NOT_MATCHING : The email ID in certificate not matching with users email ID

smime.CERT_VALIDATION_FAILED : The users certificate validation failed

smime.MSG_SIGNING_FAILED : Message signing failed due to some other reason

List of possible error codes during signature verification

SIGNER_DIGEST_MISMATCH : If the original message was tampered

VERIFIER_NOT_VALID_AT_SIGNING_TIME : The message was signed with invalid/expired certificate

CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED : The signers certificate has been expired

CERTIFICATE_NOT_YET_VALID : The signers certificate validity period has not yet started

CERTIFICATE_REVOKED : The signers certificate has been revoked

CERTIFICATE_NOT_TRUSTED : The signers certificate is not trusted by any existing trust anchors

CERTIFICATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_NOT_MATCHING : The email ID in certificate not matching with signers email ID

CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILED : The signer certificate validation failed

INVALID_SIGNATURE : The signature is not valid

SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_FAILED : The signature is valid, but it does not prove the signer identity

List of possible error codes during encryption

smime.RECIPIENT_SMIME_CERT_NOT_FOUND : If no valid certificate found for one or more recipients

smime.MSG_ENCRYPTION_FAILED : Message encryption failed due to some other reason

List of possible error codes during decryption

LOAD_CERTIFICATE_FAILED : Failed to load users certificate

LOAD_PRIVATE_KEY_FAILED : Failed to load users private key

DECRYPTION_FAILED : Message decryption failed for any other reason

USER_CERT_MISMATCH : message was not encrypted with user's current certificate

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