Setting zimbra admin password in LDAP

Revision as of 21:35, 10 January 2008 by Jason (talk | contribs)


The upgrade to 5.0 can fail if the zimbra admin password stored in the local configuration does not match the password stored in the LDAP database. Since there is no way to test the zimbra admin password in the database, steps must be taken to ensure the two passwords match prior to running the 5.0 upgrade.

Retrieve the local configuration password

1. As zimbra, type:

  zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password ldap_master_url

This returns the value for what is believed to be the password for the zimbra admin user and the URL to talk to the master for making the change to the LDAP database.

Set the password in the LDAP database

2. Run the following as the zimbra user:

  /opt/zimbra/openldap/bin/ldapmodify -x -H <ldap master URL value> -D
  "uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra" -W

3. When prompted with Enter LDAP password, use the value for zimbra_ldap_password returned in Step 1. Press Enter.

4. Then type:

  dn: uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra
  changetype: modify
  replace: userPassword
  userPassword: <value of zimbra_ldap_password> 

5. Press Enter twice for the changes to take place.

Run zmldappasswd for greater security

After updating the LDAP database with ldapmodify, run zmldappasswd on the zimbra admin account to store a more secure hash of the password value in the LDAP database.

  zmldappasswd <zimbra_ldap_password> 

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