Search deleted accounts

Revision as of 14:25, 18 August 2014 by Managedhosting de (talk | contribs) (Search Zimbra MySQL Database for deleted Accounts)
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Zimbra keeps track of deleted accounts in its MySQL database. So if it will be necessary to search for accounts that may have existed some time ago, you can list all accounts. As the zimbra user issue the following command:

  mysql -e select email, from_unixtime(deleted_at) from zimbra.deleted_account order by deleted_at

The result should look like

  [zimbra@zimbra ~]$ mysql -e "select email, from_unixtime(deleted_at) from zimbra.deleted_account order by deleted_at"
  | email                                        | from_unixtime(deleted_at) |
  |                      | 2014-07-23 21:21:49       |
  [zimbra@zimbra ~]$ (talk) 14:25, 18 August 2014 (UTC)

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