Quota Warnings

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Quota Limit

Target :

I did my own little script that allow users to be alerted when users are too close to their quota limit. You can set-up thresholds to determine when a user is in a warning, critical or ok state.

This script is, I think, ideal for a cronjob.

Thanks to Rick van der Zwet, there is a new version !!

Besides, I want to thank Philippe Lizon to correct a minor error :-) (in the v0.1)

Examples :

./quota_zimbra.pl -warning 87 -critical 90 -mail yes

more information :

./quota_zimbra.pl --help

I hope it could be usefull for some administrators :-D

Please excuse my english level and my wiki presentation ;-)

The script quota_zimbra.pl v0.2

# quota_zimbra.pl : 	this perl script allows the user to know if his current mail quota is a warning state...
#			the state is determinated by the thresholds (in percent) you set
# link : http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Quota_Warnings
# History :
# v0.2	2007-08-08		: update of the code by Rick van der Zwet : rick.van.der.zwet<at>joost.com
# v0.1		2007-04-24		: first version by Erwan Ben Souiden : erwan<at>weborama.fr

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;


#use this quota instead of the zimbra quota, setting it to 0 will use the zimbra quota
my $softquota = "1073741824";
#my $softquota = "0";
#send email to user to inform about the problem
my $mailinform = 1;
#commands you need
my $command = '/opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov gqu';
my $sendmail = '/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/sendmail';

my $mailfrom = "admins\@example.com";
my $verbose = 1;
my @servers = ('localhost');

my $message_template = sprintf<<EOF;
To: <###NAME###> ###NAME###
Reply-To: <$mailfrom> $mailfrom
Subject: Zimbra Quota ###STATE### - used ###USED###% - trigger ###STATEMAX###%
X-Generated-By: $0
X-Mailbox-State: ###STATE###
NOTE: The quota will be set active on 5th of September 2007, this message is a warning only

Hi ###NAME###,

Sorry to bother you, but your mailbox is in a ###STATE### state, which means 
more than ###STATEMAX### percent is used.
Please make some space or you will not be able to receive email anymore.

You are using ###SPACE### and the quota is set to ###QUOTA###

Some tips of reducing your mailboxsize:
* Empty your trash folder
* Make a local backup of some mesages

Best regards,
Your quota reminder
Department System administation

my ($warning,$critical, $mailinform);
my ($mail_warn, $mail_crit);
my ($nom, $quota, $used);
my $c_all = 0;
my $c_warn = 0;
my $c_crit = 0;
my @result;

if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-h|^--help|^-H/){
  print " *** quota_zimbra.pl *** \n";
GetOptions ('mail=s' => \$mailinform,
  'warning=s' => \$warning,
  'critical=s' => \$critical

  if ($mailinform !~ /^(0|1)$/) {
  print "ERROR : the mail value must be '1'  or '0' to disable mail notification\n";
# default values
$warning =  "85" unless $warning;
$critical =  "90" unless $critical;
$mailinform =  "0" unless $mailinform;

print "-- Quota Warning v2 --\n";
print "Options :\n\tmailinform : $mailinform\n\twarning : $warning%\n\tcritical : $critical%\n\n";

foreach my $server (@servers) {
	print "INFO : Reporting server $server\n" if ($verbose);
	@result = `$command $server`;
	foreach (@result) {
		($nom, $quota, $used) = split(/ /,$_);
		#use softquota if defined
		if ($softquota ) { 
			$quota = $softquota;
		$c_all ++;
		if ($quota eq "0") {
			print "INFO : $nom has no quota restriction\n" if ($verbose);
        my $usedMB = sprintf "%.2f", $used / (1024 * 1024);
        my $quotaMB = sprintf "%.2f", $quota / (1024 * 1024);
        #print "$quota $quotaMB";
		my $message = $message_template;
		$used = ($used / $quota) * 100;
        $used = sprintf "%.2f", $used;

		$message =~ s/###QUOTA###/${quotaMB}MB/g;
        $message =~ s/###SPACE###/${usedMB}MB/g;
		$message =~ s/###NAME###/$nom/g;
        $message =~ s/###USED###/$used/g;
		if ( ($used >= $warning) && ($used < $critical) ) {
			$c_warn ++;
			print "WARNING : $nom used $used\% - trigger $warning\% \n";
			my $subject = "Zimbra Quota warning - used $used\% - trigger $warning\%";
            $message =~ s/###STATE###/warning/g;
            $message =~ s/###STATEMAX###/$warning/g;
			if ($mailinform) {
				open( MAIL, "| $sendmail -F$mailfrom $nom");
				print MAIL $message;
		elsif ($used >= $critical) {
			$c_crit ++;
			print "CRITICAL : $nom used $used\% - trigger $critical\% \n";
			my $subject = "Zimbra Quota warning - used $used\% - trigger $critical\%";
            $message =~ s/###STATE###/critical/g;
            $message =~ s/###STATEMAX###/$critical/g;
			if ($mailinform) {
				open( MAIL, "| $sendmail -F$mailfrom $nom");
				print MAIL $message;
	   else {
			print "INFO : $nom is ok !\n" if ($verbose);

if ($verbose) {
  print "\n*******\n";
  print "INFO : Softquota in use $softquota bytes\n";
  print "INFO : Stats from quota_zimbra.pl\n";
  print "INFO : $c_crit users in a critical state\n";
  print "INFO : $c_warn users in a warning state\n";
  print "INFO : There are $c_all zimbra users\n";

#make sure to exit with non-zero when some mailbox is in warning of critical state
exit($c_crit + $c_warn);

# function 1 :  display the help 
sub print_usage()
  print "Utilisation: ./quota_zimbra.pl -mail [1 | 0] -warning 85 -critical 90\n";
  print "Options:\n";
  print "\t-mail [1 | 0]\n";
  print "\t\The mail value must be '1'  or '0' to disable mail notification. The default value is '0'\n";
  print "\t-warning INTEGER\n";
  print "\t\tallow you to set up the warning threshold. The default value is 85\n";
  print "\t-critical INTEGER\n";
  print "\t\tallow you to set up the critical threshold. The default value is 90\n";

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