Provide HTTP(s) Integration with Apache

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Setting up HTTP and HTTPS support through Apache VirtualHosts


Single production server, with public IP address running apache web server hosting multiple virtual domains, and Zimbra Groupware server to providing email and webmail access to users in multiple virtual domains.

The example domain used in this article is '' - replace with your own domain.


  • You want to provide both http (insecure) and https (secure) access to clients through the webmail interface.
  • The Apache server listens on default ports 80 and 443, the Zimbra server listens on port 81 and uses the insecure login authentication method (zmtlsctl http).

System Requirements

Time To Implement

Outside of meeting the system requirements, and reading this article through - the actual coding will take between 5-15 minutes depending on how familiar you are with the Linux command-line and the Zimbra server.


The article has been written by community members, Zimbra administrators and experienced coders - the proof reading may not be perfect and aims to provide ideas and an exampe of a successful working practice.

Please feel free to use the Zimbra Forums to request more specific help, follow the article closely and do not rush - it will only take longer !!

Laying the foundations

Plan of Action

  • Configure Zimbra to run on port 81.
  • Configure Zimbra to use simple http authentication.
  • Install a new virtual host to catch all requests.
  • Install a new virtual host to catch all secure requests.

All following commands are issued whilst logged in with the 'zimbra' user.

sudo su - zimbra

Step 1

  • Ensure Zimbra is running on port 81

Using the syntax : zmprov ms <your-server> zimbraMailPort <your-port-number>

zmprov ms zimbraMailPort 81


We logged in as the 'zimbra' user, then using the zmprov command to manipulate server name pair values, tell Zimbra to use the mail port number 81.

n.b. a more detailed thread here

Step 2

  • Tell Zimbra to use the http authentication method - this does not redirect logins to SSL basically.

zmtlsctl http
zmcontrol stop;zmcontrol start


We issued the 'zmtlsctl' command and passed the http value (other options include https,both,mixed,redirect but they do not apply to this article)

Step 3

  • Create a new apache configuration file to contain our virtualhosts


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