Plus Addressing

Plus Addressing

   KB 1909        Last updated on 2015-07-15  

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Plus Addressing is a feature that allows a sender to append a tag to the user id of a recipient. This lets the recipient more easily sort the incoming mail using a mail filter.

For example, user@zimbra.lab could also be reached using the address user+tag@zimbra.lab.

To enable Plus Addressing with Zimbra, use zmprov as follows:

zmprov mcf zimbraMtaRecipientDelimiter +

Note that the delimiter can be a character other than '+'.

To disable Plus Addressing, use zmprov as follows:

zmprov mcf -- -zimbraMtaRecipientDelimiter +

After making changes to enable or disable this feature, you can restart the postfix service :

zmmtactl restart

And check that the postfix configuration has the right value :

postconf recipient_delimiter
recipient_delimiter = +
Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8.0, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 Date Created: 4/6/2007
Article ID: Date Modified: 2015-07-15

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Wiki/KB reviewed by SME1 SME2 Copyeditor Last edit by Frederic Maussion
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