Monitoring Zimbra Collaboration Nagios

Revision as of 10:52, 31 December 2014 by Jorge de la Cruz (talk | contribs)
Admin Article

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This tutorial is focused to IT Admins that have a Nagios environment ( <a href=" " target="_blank"></a>), and they want to monitor a Zimbra environment. This tutorial is not based in Nagios install and configure, we will publish soon a tutorial about this. This is a real example about how and what monitoring in Zimbra system. If you want to share your own plugins, or configuration, it will be great for the rest of Community. Zimbra-nagios001.png

Preparing our Nagios Server

Before we start, we going to prepare our config files. We must to create a Zimbra Host and Group:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/ilba_zimbra.cfg
   define host{
   use generic-host
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/hostgroups_nagios2.cfg
   define hostgroup {
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   alias Zimbra

Installing NRPE in our Zimbra Server

We going to install Nagios in our Zimbra server. In my case is a CentOS, by default this operating system don't come with Nagios plugins in the official repositories, so we need to add the respository EPEL ( Linux Empresarial ) for install the client. I've attach a screen where you cand find how Nagios works with NRPE ( Nagios Remote Plugin Executor ): Zimbra-nagios002.jpg

For install the client, we need to add the EPEL repository :

[root@zimbra ~]# rpm -Uhv


Once we've added the respository, we can now install the NRPE client in our Zimbra server:

[root@zimbra ~]# yum install nagios-plugins-nrpe nagios-plugins-all nrpe

Now, we need to configure the Nagios client for accept arguments and permit to our Nagios Server check this Zimbra server, for do the monitoring active checks:

[root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg

allowed_hosts= dont_blame_nrpe=1

[root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/selinux/config


Monitoring the Services

In the next steps, we will see the configuration per each service that we tan to monitor.

Monitoring the SMTP service

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), is a network protocol that we use for exchange electronic emails between different computers or devices. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the SMTP service is UP and ready:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service{
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description SMTP
   check_command check_smtp

Monitoring the SUBMISSION service

The Submission, is a network protocol (port 587) that we use for exchange electronic emails between different computers or devices, this port is the alternative for SMTP. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the SUBMISSION service is UP and ready:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/commands.cfg
   define command{
   command_name check_submission
   command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 587
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service{
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Submission
   check_command check_submission

Monitoring the IMAP service

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), is an application protocol that permit us access to the messages storaged in a Internet Server. Trouhgt IMAP, we can access to the email from any device, if we have Internet. IMAP have good points than POP3. We can watch the email like a mirror, a perfect copy of mails and folders from the server, we can choose what folders we can watch and sincronize. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the IMAP service is UP and ready:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service{
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description IMAP
   check_command check_imap

Monitoring POP3 service

The Post Office Protocol (POP3) permit us to download the email messages from the server, we can choose if let a copy in the server or not. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the POP3 service is UP and ready:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service{
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description POP3
   check_command check_pop

Monitoring IMAP SSL service

This protocol, is the same than IMAP, but secure through SSL certificate. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the IMAP SSL service is UP and ready:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/commands.cfg
   define command{
   command_name check_imaps
   command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 993 -S
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service{
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description IMAP SSL
   check_command check_imaps

Monitoring POP3 SSL service

This protocol, is the same than POP3, but secure through SSL certificate. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the POP3 SSL service is UP and ready:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/commands.cfg
   define command{
   command_name check_pops
   command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_pop -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 995 -S
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service{
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description POP3 SSL
   check_command check_pops

Monitoring ClamAV service

ClamAv is the antivirus system that Zimbra uses. We going to monitor if ClamAV have a socket, it will tell us that clamav is working and ready:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_clamd]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_clamd /opt/zimbra/data/clamav/clamav.sock
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description ClamAV
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_lmtp

Monitoring LMTP service

Local Mail Transfer Protocol or LMTP is a derivate of SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. LMTP has desined like an alternative to SMTP for situations where the receive side doesn't have a mail queue , like an a MTA (Mail Delivery Agent) that understands SMTP conversations.We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the LMTP service is UP and ready:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_lmtp]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -H localhost -p 7025
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description LMTP
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_lmtp

Monitoring SpellCheck service

SpellCheck is the spell corrector of Zimbra. We going to monitor from outside the Zimbra server, if the SpellCheck service is UP and ready::

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_spell]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http -H localhost -p 7780
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description SpellCheck
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_spell

Monitoring DNS service

We will verificate if the server can resolve an external dns name, for example

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_dns]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_dns -H
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description DNS
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_dns

Monitoring the Certificate

The certificate in our Zimbra environment is a piece of the Core, without it, or if it fails, everything will be stop.We going to monitor the Zimbra certificate, if it's valid and ok:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_cert]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http -S -H localhost -C 30
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Cert HTTPS
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_cert

Monitoring logged users

Is very important knows how many users are logged to our environment, through SSH or in console. We can have problems if one or more users edit the same config file for example:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_users]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_users -w 2 -c 3
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Usuarios
   check_command check_nrpe_1args!check_users

Monitoring Load Average

The Load Average, will inform us about the health of the server, the state in CPU, proccesses, etc. We can monitor bottleneck thanks to Load Average

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Load Average
   check_command check_nrpe!check_load!5!10

Monitoring PING

Monitoring ping, we will know if our system have a bottleneck or high latencies, if we have, will impact in our environment.

   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Ping6
   check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%

Monitoring Disk Space

As you can see in the screenshot, I have in my Zimbra server three important partitions: OPT, HSM y Backups. We going to monitor every partition, for have and email alert, in casi that the disk getting full. Zimbra-nagios004.png

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_opt]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /opt
   command[check_backup]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /opt/zimbra/backup
   command[check_hsm]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /opt/zimbra/hsm
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart
   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Espacio OPT
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_opt
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Espacio HSM
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_hsm
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Espacio Backup
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_backup

In the end, all of this checks looks like in the next Screen in our Nagios server: Zimbra-nagios005-1024x332.png


This plugin check the state of the zimbra services, asking directly to the zmcointrol status, through zimbra user. You can <a href="" target="_blank">download the plugin </a> and you need to put into your plugins folder , /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins (for CentOS 64bit), /usr/lib/nagios/plugins (for Ubuntu 12.04 64bit) Thanks to <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>for this amazing plugin.

We need to execute some additional commands, we need to put in the suoders file the next sentence /etc/sudoers :

%nagios ALL=(zimbra) NOPASSWD:/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol

And, in our nrpe.cfg file the next:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_zmstatus]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -b $ARG1$
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart

[root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart

Now, in our Nagios server, this:

   root@srvnagios:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Zimbra Status
   check_command check_nrpe_zimbra

And we need to add the next in our commands.cfg file:

   define command{
   command_name check_nrpe_zimbra
   command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_zmstatus -u

After everything, you will see the next, in case that any service fail, it will turns on red: Zimbra-nagios006-1024x52.png

Monitoring MySQL

And also, we can't forget a master piece in our Zimbra environment, MySQL,it is very easy and quick, in our Zimbra server we need to do the next:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_zimbra_mysql]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_mysql -s /opt/zimbra/db/mysql.sock
   command[check_zimbra_mysql_logger]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_mysql -s /opt/zimbra/logger/db/mysql.sock
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart

[root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart

In our Nagios server, the next commands:

   root@firewall:~# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Comprobar MySQL
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_zimbra_mysql
   define service {
   use generic-service
   hostgroup_name zimbra-servers
   service_description Comprobar MySQL Logger
   check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_zimbra_mysql_logger

Maybe we will have problems with the credentials of MySQL for monitor, we must to create a MySQL user without any privilege :

   mysql> select password('PASSWORDVUESTRA');
   | password('nagios2014')                    |
   | *AB6F6BD001383BE123123123123fdssdf7379334 |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)
   mysql> CREATE USER nagios IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*AB6F6BD001383BE123123123123fdssdf7379334';
   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.52 sec)

And modify the npre config like this :

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_zimbra_mysql]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_mysql -s /opt/zimbra/db/mysql.sock -u nagios -p PASSWORDVUESTRA
   [root@zimbra ~]# service nrpe restart

Monitoring Mailq

Another important service to monitor, is Mailq, this service shows how many messages are in the queue, we can monitor if we have an a spam attack or if simply we have a problem sending emails:

   [root@zimbra ~]# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
   command[check_zimbra_mailq]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mailq -w 100 -c 150 -M postfix

In this case, we need to modify a nagios file too, because the path to mailq is incorrect by default:

   root@zmmt00:/home/sistemas# vi /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/

And change $PATH_TO_MAILQ looks like /usr/bin/mailq


We need to search the postfix path in our Zimbra Collaboration Server, under /opt/zimbra/postfix-XXXXXXXX


If we run the check again, we will see how many mails in queue we have, 6 in my case Zimbra-nagios009.png

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Server 8.0, 8.5, 8.6; Date Created: 12/19/2014
Article ID: Date Modified: 2014-12-31

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