Mobile Device Setup
Mobile Device Setup
This article contains an overview of mobility options for Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS), as well as information on how to set up Zimbra Mobile for most smartphones on specific operating systems. It also contains links to device-specific set-up pages, including information for the iPhone and Blackberry.
Zimbra Mobile Overview
Zimbra offers four options for accessing Zimbra accounts using mobile devices.
- Zimbra Mobile Web Client. The first option, the Zimbra Mobile Web Client, is the most versatile option since it can be accessed on almost any mobile device and requires no license or additional software. Using the Zimbra Mobile Web Client, users can access their mail, contacts, calendar, and briefcase.
- Zimbra Mobile Touch Client. A Network Edition Feature. The secure, HTML5 mobile web application provides a device-specific user experience for Android and iOS devices. The Zimbra touch client can be tailored through open APIs and fully white labeled. It delivers anytime, anywhere mailbox access, through a unique Zimbra experience, that keeps people connected to their data.
- Zimbra Mobile for Smart Phones. A Network Edition Feature. The third option, Zimbra Mobile for Smart Phones, offers users two-way, over-the-air (OTA) synchronization and access to mail, contacts, calendar, and briefcase. It works natively with iPhone, Android devices, Windows Mobile and Symbian S60/S80 smart phones.
- Note: In some instances, Zimbra Mobile for Smart Phones may work natively with a device, but the necessary sync plug-in is not bundled with the device. Plug-ins may be available via a third party, but may not be supported.
- Zimbra Connector for BlackBerry. The third option, Zimbra Connector for BlackBerry, is only for BlackBerry mobile devices. This option offers users two-way, OTA synchronization and access to mail, contacts, calendar, and briefcase. This option requires a paid Zimbra Collaboration Suite license plus you must have a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES).
Accessing ZCS using Zimbra Mobile Web Client
All devices with an HTML-compatible browser can access Zimbra email, contacts, calendar, and briefcase using the Zimbra Mobile Web Client.
Zimbra Mobile Web Client
To use the Zimbra Mobile Web Client, open the HTML-compatible browser on your phone and type in the URL of your Zimbra Server with a /m/ at the end of the URL. For example:
Zimbra Touch Client
Network Edition Feature since Zimbra Collaboration 8.5, you can use the Zimbra Mobile Touch Client, open the HTML-compatible browser on your phone and type in the URL of your Zimbra Server with a /t/ at the end of the URL. Will automatically detect it if you have a valid device like iPhone, Android, etc. For example:
Using Zimbra Mobile with iPhones
Entering Zimbra Mobile settings on your iPhone (or iPad/iTouch) will sync your email, contacts and calendars using your carrier's data plan. Note, in order to use this feature you need to be 1) using a Zimbra paid Network Edition account and 2) your administrator must have mobility enabled.IMPORTANT:
Performing these steps can delete all of the existing contacts on your iPhone. This is a common problem for iPhone users when creating a new ActiveSync account. You should ensure that you have backed up all of your contacts before proceeding.
First click on the "Settings" icon (the gears) and scroll down and select "Mail, Contacts, Calendars." On the next screen you will see and select "Add Account." Choose "Microsoft Exchange"
Next you will need to enter your account information:
- Email. This is your company email address (eg
- Password. This is your Zimbra password (the same on used for the Zimbra Web Client)
- Description. A description for your Account
Once you have successfully set up your account, you should begin to see mail folders contacts and your calendar(s) appear on the device. After, you may choose to edit either global or account-specific settings.
Global settings available affect all your email accounts and is located in Settings / Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Here you can set usability controls such as number of messages, previews, font size and more.
Within this screen you may also select your Zimbra Account and then select "Account Info" to adjust whether you want any of the syncing options changed, how many days of email and which folders you want pushed.
You can find more information on the Next Wiki - Zimbra_Mobile_Installation_and_Setup_for_iPhone
Configuring Zimbra Mobile on Android SmartPhones
Android-based smartphones will natively sync email, contacts and calendars to Zimbra accounts. The two pre-requisites to configure this are:- The Zimbra email system used by your organization or service provider is a paid Network Edition license (ask your administrator if you are not sure)
- Your administrator has enabled mobility on your account
Assuming these two requirements are met, you configure Zimbra just like you would a Microsoft Exchange account on the device (this is the name used for any ActiveSync-based service).
In order to complete this set up you will need to know the following:
- Email. This is your company email address (eg
- Password. This is your Zimbra password (the same on used for the Zimbra Web Client)
In case that your Company doesn't have the DNS properly configured, specially with the autodiscover entry, you also will need to add:
- Server. The Server FQDN or IP. Best practice is always use a valid FQDN like
- Security. If you want to use, or not SSL.
- Port. 443 is the default, but you can change it in case that you need it.
Here are the basic steps:
1) From the Home screen, tap the Applications button. 2) Go to Settings 2) Go under Accounts and tap Add Account. 3) Select Corporate 4) Using the keyboard, enter:
- Your full email address
- Your email password
5) Tap Next. 6) Tap Exchange account. 7) Complete the following fields, and then click Next.
'''Email Address''' Your full email address (For example, ''' Password''' Your email password '''Exchange Server''' (same URL you use for Zimbra webmail) '''Use secure connection SSL''' (Ask your admin if this is optional) '''Accept all SSL certificates''' (Ask your admin if this is optional)
8) Select your desired Account options, and then tap Next. 9) Select your desired settings on Set up email, and then tap Done.
You can find more information on the Next Wiki - Zimbra_Mobile_Installation_and_Setup_for_Android
Configuring Zimbra Mobile for Smart Phones on Windows Phone Devices
Windows Phone
The following instructions are for configuring access to a ZCS account on a Windows Phone device.
Note: Zimbra Mobile must be enabled by a system administrator before a device can be configured.
Locate the Settings options from within your application menu.
Select Email + Accounts.
Select Add an Account.
Select the option for Advanced Setup.
Enter your full email address and password for your account. Then press the sign in button.
Select Exchange ActiveSync.
Ensure your email address remains correct. Leave the Domain field blank. Enter the following address for Server:
Select the sign in button. Once connected, you will see a new icon within your settings menu with the name of your new email account.
[Deprecated] Accessing ZCS using Zimbra Connector for BlackBerry
For information on configuring Zimbra Connector for BlackBerry(ZCB), see the ZCS Connector for Blackberry Guide. For more information on ZCB, including community articles and troubleshooting information, see Category:ZCB.
Accesing ZCS using a modern BlackBerry device
Latest BlackBerry models support ActiveSync, you can find more information here or just follow this steps to configure your BlackBerry using ActiveSync:
- On the home screen, swipe down from the top bezel and select Settings.
- Select Accounts > Add Account > Email, Calendar and Contacts
- Enter the email address in the Email Address field and click Next.
- Enter the account password on next screen and click Next.
- The BlackBerry smartphone autodiscover client will attempt to use the autodiscover service of the Zimbra Server to get all of the requisite server and synchronization settings.
If the autodiscover service is not accessible or autodiscover response is not understood by smartphone, use the advanced setup as described to complete the setup:
- On the home screen, swipe down from the top bezel and select Settings.
- Select Accounts > Add Account > Advanced > Microsoft Exchange Active Sync
- Enter the username used to log into Zimbra Web Client in the Username field.
- Enter the email address in the Email Address field.
- Enter the password used to log into Zimbra Web Client in the Password field.
- Enter the URL used to log into Zimbra Web Client in the Server Address field.
- Enter the appropriate port number in the Port field.
If these settings do not work, contact the email administrator for the correct account information.
[Deprecated] Community Articles for Accessing ZCS using Specific Devices
The following community articles include information on configuring specific devices. Some of these articles contain additional instructions for installing and configuring third-party mobile access. As community contributions, the instructions for installing and configuring third-party mobile access may not be supported for Network Edition customers.
- Motorola Q Phone
- Nokia E-Series
- Nokia E-Series with Self-Signed SSL Certificate
- Palm Treo 650
- Palm Treo 680
- Palm Treo 700w
- Palm TX
- Sony Ericsson
- Cingular 8125
- Cingular 8525
- Qtek A9100
Wiki Resources
The following categories and articles contain information on troubleshooting mobile issues.
- Resetting Your Mobile Device
- Category: Troubleshooting Mobile
- Category: Troubleshooting ZCB
- Basic Troubleshooting for ZCB
Forum Support for Mobile Options/Issues
The following areas are available on the Zimbra Forums for discussing mobility options and issues.