Mbox to maildir with Perl

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You will need the following CPAN packages:

  • Mail::IMAPClient to generate the folders and add the messages
  • Mail::Box::Mbox to read the messages from the mbox files
  • Mail::Message::Convert::MailInternet to get the Mail::Message objects into RFC 822 format
  • File::Find to make it easy to download the whole thing
# mbox2imap.pl
# Perl script to migrate a Kmail mbox store to IMAP. Change check_file for evolution
# Copyright 2005 Marco R. Gazzetta

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# contact the author directly for more information at:
# marcog AT pobox com
# http://diva.homelinux.org
use File::Find;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use Mail::Box::Mbox;
use Mail::Message::Convert::MailInternet;

my $cache = "$ENV{HOME}/.mailboxes";
my %folders = ();
if (-e $cache) {
	open CACHE, $cache;
	while (<CACHE>) {
		@array = split /\|/;
		$folders{$array[0]} = $array[1];
} else {
	# First, get the local folders
	find(\&check_file, "$ENV{HOME}/Mail");
	open CACHE, "> $cache";
	for (sort keys %folders) {
		print CACHE "$_|$folders{$_}\n";
sub check_file {
	# the regex checks for files whose name does NOT start with a dot
	# notice that File::Find sets $_ to the file name, while $File::Find::name
	# is with path
	if (!/^\..*/) {
		my $file = $File::Find::name;
		my $name = $File::Find::name;
		# delete non-kmail part of name
		$name =~ s/\/[^.]+\//\//g;
		# now normalize the directories
		$name =~ s/\/\.([^\/]+)\.directory\//\/$1\//g; # replace the directory artifacts
		$name =~ s/\/\.([^\/]+)\.directory\//\/$1\//g; # twice, because the first regex gets only half the line
		$name =~ s/\//./g; # replace all slashes with dots
		$name =~ s/\./_/g; # replace all dots with underscores
		$folders{"INBOX$name"} = $file;
# open connection
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
	Server => 'server.domain.com',
	User => 'marco',
	Password => 'supersecret') || die "Could not connect to IMAP server.\n";
# push all messages in all folders (sorting is only so that a folder is created before the subfolders)
for $f (sort keys %folders) {
	my $l = $folders{$f};
	if (!$imap->exists($f)) {
		print "WARNING: Creating folder " . $f . " since it does not exist on the server.\n";
		$imap->create($f) or print "ERROR: Could not create folder.\n";
	# Now copy all files from the local store to the IMAP store
	my $box = Mail::Box::Mbox->new("folder" => $l);
	my $conv = Mail::Message::Convert::MailInternet->new;
	print $f . ": " . $imap->message_count($f) . "\n"; # debug output only
	my $count = 1;
	foreach ($box->messages()) {
		$imap->append($f, $conv->export($_)->as_string()); # as_string ensures RFC 822 format
		print $count++ . "\n";
	print $f . ": " . $imap->message_count($f) . "\n";

Verified Against: unknown Date Created: 4/24/2009
Article ID: https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Mbox_to_maildir_with_Perl Date Modified: 2010-02-12

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