Local Failure Notice in Zimbra Connector for Outlook

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Local Failure Notice in Zimbra Connector for Outlook

   KB 23321        Last updated on 2020-06-1  

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Local Failure Notice in Zimbra Connector for Outlook .

Error :

Subject: Local Failure Notice 
Importance: High
This e-mail was generated for technical support purposes.
Sync Type: Initial Sync
Sync Token (before request): 123893
Sync Token (most current): 123895
Store: Zimbra - Pat Waddington
Computer Name: PATW
ZCO Version: 8.8.15
Server Version: 8.8.15_GA_3869.
Error IDs: 
id (19552) type(message)Subject: Local Failure Notice 
Importance: High
This e-mail was generated for technical support purposes.
Sync Type: Initial Sync
Sync Token (before request): 123893
Sync Token (most current): 123895
Store: Zimbra - Pat Waddington
Computer Name: PATW
ZCO Version: 8.8.15
Server Version: 8.8.15_GA_3869
Error IDs: 
id (19552) type(message)


In some cases, sync failures might not be resolved unless the Sync Token number is set back several tokens before the failed sync. For example, if setting the Sync Token to 123743 still fails to sync the item, setting the Sync Token to 123621 might successfully sync the item. To set the Sync Token and attempt to resync an item that failed to sync, click Set Sync Token in the Zimbra Support Toolbar. The Update Sync Token dialog opens.

In the Update Sync Token dialog, enter the Sync Token to set. Click OK . To attempt to re-sync the item, click Send/Receive.

If still the issue persists after the setting the Sync Token, The issue is due to the particular message which is corrupted shown in the error description Error IDs: id (19552) type(message) .

To resolve the issue the corrupted message needs to be deleted. To locate the message first find the path of the message.In the above example, the ID of the message is 19552, use the zmmetadump tool to get the message path in the store.

zmmetadump -m <mailbox id/email> -i <item id>

The mailbox-id can be found with the below command

zmprov gmi user@domain.com

Look for the blob path in the output. This output should look something similar to this: The line containing the [Blob Path] is what is needed.

[] INFO: Setting mysql connector property: maxActive=100
[] INFO: Setting mysql connector property: maxActive=100
[Database Columns]
  mailbox_id: 13
  id: 19552
  type: 5
  parent_id: <null>
  folder_id: 2
  index_id: 19552
  imap_id: 19552
  date: 1275500831 (Wed 2020/06/02 11:47:11 MDT)
  size: 2046
  volume_id: 1
  blob_digest: IQLaa2e9,1,TXMn34l6E0r+A1WQ=
  unread: 1
  flags: 0
  tags: 0
  sender: xxxxxx
  subject: works
  name: <null>
  mod_metadata: 28832
  change_date: 1275500831 (Wed 2020/06/02 11:47:11 MDT)
  mod_content: 28832

[Blob Path]

MetaData version = 10
  f = 
  s = 

Once the blob path, ID of the account, and the ID of the message is found do the following

1.Remove the message

zmmailbox -z -m user@domain.com di (item-id) 

2. Verify the message was actually removed from the path, like the below path from the example.


3. Reconfigure the outlook profile.

Submitted by: Nagesh Bhagwat
Verified Against: Date Created:
Article ID: https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Local_Failure_Notice_in_Zimbra_Connector_for_Outlook Date Modified: 2020-06-01

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