
YAMM = Yet Another Migration Method

Summary of steps

  • Export ldap and mysql data from the production server
  • Prepare the new server
  • Import ldap and mysql data into the new server

Section I - Export ldap and mysql data from the production machine

It might help to create a directory to store the exported data.

mkdir /tmp/migration

Export LDAP

~/libexec/zmslapcat /tmp/migration

Export MYSQL

source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars

~/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=$mysql_root_password --socket=$mysql_socket --all-databases --single-transaction >> /tmp/migration/mysqlinfo.sql

mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases" | grep -e mbox -e zimbra > /tmp/migration/mysql.db.list

Section II - Prepare the new server

Highly recommend that the new machine use the same ZCS version as the production machine.

Install ZCS onto the new machine

 ./install </code>

After the install, make sure you use the same ldap and mysql passwords from the production machine. To view the passwords from the production machine, run the following command:

zmlocalconfig -s | grep pass | grep -e ldap -e mysql

Use the following tools on the new machine to change the ldap & mysql passwords:



**After the password changes, restart ZCS services on the new machine.**

Don't forget to install the same zimlets, and don't forget your custom changes.

Section III - Import ldap and mysql data into the new server=

Copy the ldap & mysql data from the production server

 rsync -av -e ssh /tmp/ 

Drop mysql DB's

source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars

for db in `mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases" | grep -e ^mbox -e zimbra`; do mysql -u root --password=$mysql_root_password -e "drop database $db"; echo -e "Dropped $db"; done

Create the necessary DB's

for db in `cat /tmp/migration/mysql.db.list`; do mysql -e "create database $db character set utf8"; echo "created $db"; done 

Import production mysql data into the new machine

mysql < /tmp/migration/mysqlinfo.sql 

Import ldap data from the new machine

ldap stop

cd /opt/zimbra/data/ldap

mv hdb OLD.hdb

mkdir -p hdb/db; mkdir hdb/logs

~/openldap/sbin/slapadd -q -b "" -F /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config -cv -l /tmp/migration/ldap.bak
**Most likely, you will need to edit the ldap.bak file and replace the production server name with the new server name**

Copy store and index files from the production machine to the new machine

rm -rf /opt/zimbra/store/*

rsync -av -e ssh /opt/zimbra/store/

rsync -av -e ssh /opt/zimbra/index/

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