King0770-Notes-YAMM: Difference between revisions

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==Section IV - Bring the new server up to current==
==Section IV - Bring the new server up to current==

As a last minute effort to bring the new machine up to current, you should sync over the blobs again, and run the redo log.
As a last minute effort before going live, do the following to bring the new machine up to current. You should sync over the blobs again, and play the redo log.


Revision as of 20:10, 21 July 2010

YAMM = Yet Another Migration Method

Summary of steps

  • Export ldap and mysql data from the production server
  • Prepare the new server
  • Import ldap and mysql data into the new server
  • Bring new server up to current

Section I - Export ldap and mysql data from the production machine

It might help to create a directory to store the exported data.

mkdir /tmp/migration

Export LDAP

~/libexec/zmslapcat /tmp/migration

Export MYSQL

source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars

~/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=$mysql_root_password --socket=$mysql_socket --all-databases --single-transaction >> /tmp/migration/mysqlinfo.sql

mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases" | grep -e mbox -e zimbra > /tmp/migration/mysql.db.list

Section II - Prepare the new server

Highly recommend that the new machine use the same ZCS version as the production machine.

Install ZCS onto the new machine


Make sure to install the same ZCS packages.

After the install, make sure you use the same ldap and mysql passwords from the production machine. To view the passwords from the production machine, run the following command:

zmlocalconfig -s | grep pass | grep -e ldap -e mysql

Use the following tools on the new machine to change the ldap & mysql passwords:



**After the password changes, restart ZCS services on the new machine.**

Don't forget to install the same zimlets, and don't forget your custom changes.

Section III - Import ldap and mysql data into the new server=

Copy the ldap & mysql data from the production server

 rsync -av -e ssh /tmp/ 

Drop mysql DB's

source ~/bin/zmshutil; zmsetvars

for db in `mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases" | grep -e ^mbox -e zimbra`; do mysql -u root --password=$mysql_root_password -e \
 "drop database $db"; echo -e "Dropped $db"; done

Create the necessary DB's

for db in `cat /tmp/migration/mysql.db.list`; do mysql -e "create database $db character set utf8"; echo "created $db"; done 

Import production mysql data into the new machine

mysql < /tmp/migration/mysqlinfo.sql 

Import ldap data from the new machine

ldap stop

cd /opt/zimbra/data/ldap

mv hdb OLD.hdb

mkdir -p hdb/db; mkdir hdb/logs

~/openldap/sbin/slapadd -q -b "" -F /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config -cv -l /tmp/migration/ldap.bak
**Most likely, you will need to edit the ldap.bak file and replace the production server name with the new server name**

Copy store and index files from the production machine to the new machine

rm -rf /opt/zimbra/store/*

rsync -av -e ssh /opt/zimbra/store/

rsync -av -e ssh /opt/zimbra/index/

Section IV - Bring the new server up to current

As a last minute effort before going live, do the following to bring the new machine up to current. You should sync over the blobs again, and play the redo log.

rsync -av -e ssh --delete /opt/zimbra/store

rsync -av -e ssh /opt/zimbra/redolog/

cd /opt/zimbra/redolog

zmmailboxctld stop

zmplayredo --logfiles redo.log

zmmailboxctld start

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