
Revision as of 22:15, 5 December 2018 by King0770 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Handy Commands== ===LDAP - DB Status=== <code><pre>/opt/zimbra/sleepycat/bin/db_stat -c -h /opt/zimbra/openldap-data</pre></code> ===LDAP - DB Recover=== <code><pre>/opt/zim...")
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Handy Commands

LDAP - DB Status

/opt/zimbra/sleepycat/bin/db_stat -c -h /opt/zimbra/openldap-data

LDAP - DB Recover

/opt/zimbra/sleepycat/bin/db_recover **make sure you are doing this as the zimbra user, and that slapd is not running**

LDAP - Slapindex

/opt/zimbra/openldap/sbin/slapindex -f /opt/zimbra/conf/slapd.conf

LDAP - Export & Reimport

1) su - zimbra
2) libexec/zmslapcat /tmp
3) mv /tmp/ldap.bak /tmp/ldap.ldif
4) zmcontrol stop
5) ps -aux | grep slapd **If ldap is still running, kill it**
6) su - root
7) mv /opt/zimbra/openldap-data /opt/zimbra/openldap-data.OLD
8) mkdir -p /opt/zimbra/openldap-data/logs && mkdir -p /opt/zimbra/openldap-data/accesslog/db
9) chown -R zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/openldap-data/
10) su - zimbra
11) /opt/zimbra/openldap/sbin/slapadd -f /opt/zimbra/conf/slapd.conf -b "" -l /tmp/ldap.ldif 
12) zmcontrol start

Clear SA DB

This would be handy if you are getting a lot of false positives

/opt/zimbra/libexec/sa-learn -p /opt/zimbra/conf/ --dbpath /opt/zimbra/amavisd/.spamassassin/ --siteconfigpath /opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin --clear


/opt/zimbra/libexec/sa-learn -p /opt/zimbra/conf/ --dbpath /opt/zimbra/amavisd/.spamassassin --siteconfigpath \ /opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin --force -expire –sync

KeyTool Commands

keytool -list -keystore /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/keystore -storepass `zmlocalconfig -s -m nokey mailboxd_keystore_password`

keytool -delete -alias jetty or tomcat -keystore /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/keystore -storepass `zmlocalconfig -s -m nokey mailboxd_keystore_password`

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