
Revision as of 21:46, 12 August 2010 by King0770 (talk | contribs)
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When setting up custom logos for your domain, remember there's an implicit "/opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/" at the beginning of the path when you set the path to the image. So the paths specified would look something like:



Suggestions (optional):

- Create a directory that will contain your company logos, for example, "mylogo" under the /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/skins directory tree, and place your logos in the new directory. Then change the 'zimbraSkinLogoAppBanner' & 'zimbraSkinLogoLoginBanner' settings to point to the logos.


- Copy the "mylogo" directory to another location outside of /opt/zimbra. As you know, contents of the /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/skins/ are removed then replaced. If you have saved the mylogo directory, you can copy the directory back into /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/skins/ after the upgrade.

- One thing to remember is that if the images render in the admin console, they will render for the users.

- If the images are not rendering in the admin console, check the sizes of the *.png files. Appplication Banner 120px x 35px and Login logo 450px x 100px.


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