Installing Zimbra 4.5.x on Ubuntu 7.04 & 7.10 (Feisty Fawn & Gutsy Gibbon)

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Make Ubuntu 7 Appear as if your running 6

The script triggers in zcs/bin to find the release version, and the script is hardwired to version numbers.

So here we're going to trick it into thinking it's ubuntu 6 instead of 7. (You can do something similar with, for example, Fedora Core 7 by lowering the version number in /etc/redhat-release down to 5.)

Method 1 (easiest)

To trick the script:

edit /etc/lsb-release and change the DISTRIB_RELEASE= to just 6

Run ./ with sudo.

Then just remember to revert the version number back to the original after installation.


Method 2

edit util/
if [ $PLATFORM = "DEBIAN3.1" -o $PLATFORM = "UBUNTU6" ]; then

if [ $PLATFORM = "UBUNTU6" ]; then

if [ $PLATFORM = "DEBIAN3.1" -o $PLATFORM = "MANDRIVA2006" -o $PLATFORM = "UBUNTU6" ]; then

They both do pretty much same thing so 1 is easier, especially as you'll need to change back to showing as 7.04/7.10 as soon as your finished with the install.

Or edit the installer instead

If you don't want to touch the config files, the alternative is to edit itself.

For example, with Ubuntu, find the two lines:

       grep "DISTRIB_RELEASE=6" /etc/lsb-release > /dev/null 2>&1
       if [ $? = 0 ]; then

and replace them with:

       ver=$(grep "DISTRIB_RELEASE" /etc/lsb-release | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d\. -f1)
       if [ ${ver} -ge 6 ]; then

7.10 Hack for ZCSv5.0b3

Gutsy 7.10 also has /etc/debian_version but as of Tribe5 that is not picked up properly by the script.

mv /etc/debian_version /etc/debian_version.zimbra
perl -pi -e 's/DISTRIB_RELEASE=7/DISTRIB_RELEASE=6/' /etc/lsb-release

Problem is that Feisty also has a /etc/debian_version that reads '4.0' and the new 5.0b3 incorrectly reads this - allegedly Debian 4.0 support is new in zimbra 5.0b. Gutsy also has /etc/debian_version but as of Tribe5 it has version that is not picked up by the script

Then run the installer as normal.

Ubuntu 64bit

(HOWTO grabbed from a forum post by dijichi)-Mmorse

5.0beta running on Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy tribe 3 64bit.

Confirmed to work for Zimbra 4.5.6, and also Ubuntu 6.06LTS 64bit.

No obvious reason why it shouldn't work for 6.10 or 7.04 'feisty' either.

Do the whole thing below as root: sudo su - I know Ubuntu is often used by 'newbies' but I find it horrendously irritating and patronizing not to be given root shell

Install Ubuntu 64bit Setup DNS etc as normal

Download these files, put them in the same directory (eg. /tmp/zimbra-install or something): Files (Zimbra 4.5.6 Ubuntu6 32-bit package) ActiveState ActivePerl (you want Linux x86 version, NOT x64 version, deb packaging) 32bit OS Libs

If 6.10 or 7.x feisty or gutsy release:

cp /etc/lsb-release /etc/prezimbra.lsb-release
change /etc/lsb-release to:
apt-get install ia32-libs
apt-get install libidn11 curl fetchmail libpcre3 libgmp3c2 libexpat1 libxml2 libstdc++6 libstdc++5
# download zimbra-32bit-libs.tar.gz, should be attached to this post
tar -xzf zimbra-32bit-libs.tar.gz
mv lib32/* /usr/lib32
dpkg --force-architecture -i ActivePerl-5.8.8.......blah.blah....deb

mv /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl.ubuntu
ln -s /opt/ActivePerl-5.8/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl.activestate
ln -s /usr/bin/perl.activestate /usr/bin/perl
# make sure sh is bash, not dash
ls -l /bin/sh
if: /bin/sh -> bash then ok, otherwise
rm /bin/sh
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
tar -xzf zcs-5.0.0_BETA3_1276.UBUNTU6.20070822122320
cd zcs-5.0.0_BETA3_1276.UBUNTU6.20070822122320
export LANG='C'
perl -pi -e 's/dpkg -i/dpkg --force-architecture -i/' util/
# Run through installer as normal. When finished, it starts zimbra, initialises documents, restarts tomcat then says 'Configuration complete - press return to exit'. Press return to get back to root prompt.
# Stop zimbra
/etc/init.d/zimbra stop
# make sure everything has stopped
ps -ef |grep zimbra |grep -v grep
# if anything still running, kill it
kill (pid)
# if it won't die
kill -9 (pid)
# refactor perl paths
perl -pi -e 's#/usr/bin/perl#/opt/ActivePerl-5.8/bin/perl#' `find /opt/zimbra -type f -exec grep -l '/usr/bin/perl' {} \;`
# put ubuntu perl back
rm /usr/bin/perl
ln -s /usr/bin/perl.ubuntu /usr/bin/perl
# restart zimbra
/etc/init.d/zimbra start
# make sure everything running ok
su - zimbra zmcontrol status

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