IP Address whitelisting

Revision as of 06:23, 8 October 2007 by Irfan (talk | contribs) (IP address whitelisting.)
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Amavisd - Whitelist an IP address.

This document describes how to disable anti-spam checking of all emails coming from an IP address, i.e. whitelisting an IP address instead of conventional domainname whitelisting.

Everything I am doing here as the user zimbra. I want to whitelist all the emails coming from

Enter following line at the top of the file, "/opt/zimbra/conf/postfix_recipient_restrictions.cf”

check_client_access hash:/opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist

Create a file "/opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist".

vi /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10026

Converting "amavis_client_whitelist" an ASCII form file into maptype database file.

postmap /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist

Enter following in /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf.in

$inet_socket_port = [10024, 10026];                     # change from original setting
$interface_policy{'10026'} = 'CLIENTWHITELIST';              
$policy_bank{'CLIENTWHITELIST'} = {                          
  bypass_spam_checks_maps   => [1],                          
  final_spam_destiny   => D_PASS,                            

Postfix stop/start

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