IP Address whitelisting

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This document describes how to disable anti-spam checking of all emails coming from an IP address, i.e. whitelisting an IP address instead of conventional domainname whitelisting.

Everything here is done as the zimbra user. Let's say you want to whitelist all the emails coming from

Enter following line at the top of: /opt/zimbra/conf/postfix_recipient_restrictions.cf

check_client_access hash:/opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist

Create a file: /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist

vi /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10026

Converting amavis_client_whitelist an ASCII form file into maptype database file:

/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postmap /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/amavis_client_whitelist

Enter following in /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf.in:

NOTE: Make sure you use the amavisd.conf.in and NOT amavisd.conf

 $inet_socket_port = [10024, 10026];                     # change from original setting
 $interface_policy{'10026'} = 'CLIENTWHITELIST';              
 $policy_bank{'CLIENTWHITELIST'} = {                          
   bypass_spam_checks_maps   => [1],                          
   final_spam_destiny   => D_PASS,                      

Restart postfix and amavisd:

Postfix stop/start

Amavisd stop/start

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