
Revision as of 02:32, 24 July 2009 by Mmorse (talk | contribs) (sandbox tag)


Those are notes i took while setting-up a POC for our corporate envt.
The installed version is ZCS 5.0.16 on RHEL 4.
We have a proxy to connect to the internet.




  • check the documentation from zimbra site for pre-requisites
  • set the proxy
export http_proxy=http://example.com
  • get the package
wget -cv http://h.yimg.com/lo/downloads/5.0.16_GA/zcs-NETWORK-5.0.16_GA_2922.RHEL4.20090429013859.tgz
  • get the md5
wget -cv http://h.yimg.com/lo/downloads/5.0.16_GA/zcs-NETWORK-5.0.16_GA_2922.RHEL4.20090429013859.tgz.md5
  • check md5
md5sum -c zcs-NETWORK-5.0.16_GA_2922.RHEL4.20090429013859.tgz.md5
> zcs-NETWORK-5.0.16_GA_2922.RHEL4.20090429013859.tgz: OK
  • untar
  • copy the license file on the server, you will need it
  • if your infrastructure guys insist on installing in an alternate directory use a bind in /etc/fstab, for instance:
/prd/live /opt/zimbra auto bind

and then

mkdir /opt/zimbra
mount -a


  • have the installation .PDFs from Zimbra website ready
  • run install.sh as root


/etc/hosts file issue

The install program (install.sh) checks that all entries in the hosts file are of the format: <ip> <fqdn> <name> even the entries which have nothing to do with the name of the server.

You may have to remove temporarily (or comment out) the offending lines and restore them after the installation has completed successfully.

That happened to me with version 5.0.16 NE.

Tags: error installation hosts install

proxy stuff


it's there:

vi /opt/zimbra/conf/freshclam.conf.in

To setup the proper proxy information for freshclam (the process which fetch the signatures updates for clamav) you have to modify the freshclam.conf.in file, not freshclam.conf

proxy out for zimlets

If zimlets need to access the internet from behind a proxy, you have to set this variable up:

zmprov mcf zimbraHttpProxyURL http://my.proxy:80

mcf = zimbra wide, it can also be set by server


Notes links

The standard zimlet com_zimbra_url can mess-up with the Notes urls Notes://2134564984561321 if this is the case, deactivate it

desktop zimlets

To install zimlets on a linux zimbra desktop (ZD), run the following command:

java -cp jetty/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar:jetty/common/lib/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar:jetty/common/lib/mail.jar:jetty/common/lib/commons-logging.jar:jetty/common/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar:jetty/common/lib/json.jar:jetty/common/lib/dom4j-1.5.jar:jetty/common/lib/zimbracommon.jar:jetty/webapps/service/WEB-INF/lib/zimbrastore.jar -Dzimbra.config=conf/localconfig.xml com.zimbra.cs.zimlet.ZimletUtil deploy <path2zimlet>/<zimlet>.zip

Windows: replace / by \ and : by ;

This sort of worked for me with Ubuntu 9.04 & ZD v1.0 build 1593: it installs without error message but then i don't see all zimlets installed in ZD (3 out of 4 are visible).


https only

We want to encrypt everything (you don't want the CEO mails being eavesdropped do you ?): Users can connect in http but they are re-directed to https and stay there.

zmtlsctl redirect
zmcontrol stop
zmcontrol start


Set the GAL as mixed: internal + external and bind the external to an existing LDAP.

All done via the web UI in 5.0.16.

Warning this has an impact on performances, check the search strings.

There is a parameter to setup in the user preferences/address book to have dynamic GAL look-up.


We want to be able to connect through our current sso solution.

I used this information: http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Zimbra_with_Apache_using_mod_jk#For_Zimbra_5.0

  • Installed jetty-ajp-6.1.5.jar in /opt/zimbra/jetty/lib/ext/.
  • Changed the owner to zimbra:zimbra

Next, edit the file /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/jetty.xml.in:

  • Search for these lines:
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- Set connectors                                              -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
  • Below them, add the following:
   <Call name="addConnector">
       <New id="ajp" class="org.mortbay.jetty.ajp.Ajp13SocketConnector">
         <Set name="port">8009</Set>

Then, edit the file /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/service.web.xml.in:

  • Search for instances of the allowed.ports parameter, which will look like this:
 <param-value>%%zimbraMailPort%%, %%zimbraMailSSLPort%%, 7070, 7443, 7071</param-value>
  • If the parameter value already contains %%zimbraMailPort%% and %%zimbraMailSSLPort%%, as above, then add port 8009 to the end of the list, like this:
  <param-value>%%zimbraMailPort%%, %%zimbraMailSSLPort%%, 7070, 7443, 7071, 8009</param-value>
  • If you wish to enable access to the Zimbra administrative web interface, then also perform the above step on any instance of allowed.ports in which the value already contains 7071.

Finally, restart the application server. Under Ubuntu, type:

sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailboxdctl restart




Themes, skins



Slight customisation:

Logo formats:

  • 450 x 100
  • 120 x 35


  • explore zimlets stuff
  • check character sets
  • check default language
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